How to Recover an Original Changed Document in Word 2003
- 1). Click the Windows task bar "Start" button and click "Search." Click on the "Click here to use Search Companion" option.
- 2). Click "All Files and Folders" inside the "Search Companion." Type the file name or part of the file name, followed by "*.ASD," which is the file extension. Click "My Computer," which is in the "Look In" box. Click "Search" and see if your document displays, with the .asd extension.
- 3). Click "Start" and "All Programs." Follow this by clicking "Microsoft Word" to run the program. Click the "File" menu in the program and click "Open." This will open a list. Click the "All Files (*.*)" option, which is in the "File Type List" and locate your document file, which has the ".asd" extension. Click "Open" and restart your computer afterward. After your computer restarts, run Microsoft Word again.
- 4). Search the "Document Recovery" pane in the left area of the Word program window. Double-click the document in the "Document Recovery" pane. The document will open. Click the "File" menu and click the "Save As" option. Complete the recovery process by typing the name of your document with the ".doc" file extension in "File Name" text field in the "Save As" prompt. Click the "Save" button.