The Off-Screen Theories of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical manufacturing industries involve all the processes to produce large scale productions of pharmaceuticals.
But, instead of having sophisticated tools and most advanced technologies employed by these manufacturing industries, they are unable to produce cost-effective and common man affordable medications.
Also, some people loose their life due to inadequate supply of essential drugs against life taking diseases.
The article uncovers the reasons for such mismatch between demand and supply of medications, and the theory behind their high costs.
Drug discovery itself is a very complex and time demanding process.
It takes a lot of hard work and effort for pharmaceutical engineers to discover drugs and then to convert their inventions to provide real-time solutions to mankind.
These engineers are to carry out all the steps of drug discovery with utmost effectiveness and efficiency.
They are expected to hold their patience in all the experimental examinations of drugs which may take decades.
Pharmaceutical engineers need to first diagnose the disease which involves cause of origin, study of symptoms, major health disorders, etc.
After getting desirable information on the basics of disease through preliminary tests and experiments, they move to the next higher level of their objective.
They now examine various chemical and biological substances which have the capacity to produce effective results against the disease and possess executable solutions.
When pharmaceutical engineers get the desired chemical or biological agent, then they prepare their drug and conduct several tests on living organisms such as rat.
When they got success to recover the tested living organisms from the disease, then the drugs are passed to higher facilities for clinical tests.
When they clear this phase, then they are allowed to be used on the patients and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries can produce them.
The whole process of diagnosis is very expensive and requires best possible environment to conduct experiments.
Also due to insufficient availability of chemical and biological agents, these plants are not able to meet the demands.
With the ever increasing life complexities which further results in a chain of new diseases, the pharmaceutical engineers faces tough challenges to provide remedial solutions.
It has been a never ending problem for them to cope up with the need of medications for newly recognized diseases.
But still they are not giving up and trying to meet the challenges.
But, instead of having sophisticated tools and most advanced technologies employed by these manufacturing industries, they are unable to produce cost-effective and common man affordable medications.
Also, some people loose their life due to inadequate supply of essential drugs against life taking diseases.
The article uncovers the reasons for such mismatch between demand and supply of medications, and the theory behind their high costs.
Drug discovery itself is a very complex and time demanding process.
It takes a lot of hard work and effort for pharmaceutical engineers to discover drugs and then to convert their inventions to provide real-time solutions to mankind.
These engineers are to carry out all the steps of drug discovery with utmost effectiveness and efficiency.
They are expected to hold their patience in all the experimental examinations of drugs which may take decades.
Pharmaceutical engineers need to first diagnose the disease which involves cause of origin, study of symptoms, major health disorders, etc.
After getting desirable information on the basics of disease through preliminary tests and experiments, they move to the next higher level of their objective.
They now examine various chemical and biological substances which have the capacity to produce effective results against the disease and possess executable solutions.
When pharmaceutical engineers get the desired chemical or biological agent, then they prepare their drug and conduct several tests on living organisms such as rat.
When they got success to recover the tested living organisms from the disease, then the drugs are passed to higher facilities for clinical tests.
When they clear this phase, then they are allowed to be used on the patients and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries can produce them.
The whole process of diagnosis is very expensive and requires best possible environment to conduct experiments.
Also due to insufficient availability of chemical and biological agents, these plants are not able to meet the demands.
With the ever increasing life complexities which further results in a chain of new diseases, the pharmaceutical engineers faces tough challenges to provide remedial solutions.
It has been a never ending problem for them to cope up with the need of medications for newly recognized diseases.
But still they are not giving up and trying to meet the challenges.