Harbingers of Original Sin
I almost chuckle at the perverse twisting of phrases and epithets that go along with developing archetypes and other CONstructs. When I first figured out that Rome called common Kelts by the term for a 'hammered tool' I was amazed. I still don't really know when this started or if a 'celt' was always known as a hammered tool. Hey, I am sometimes known to get hammered and I know many Romans do too. There is a never-ending list of pejorative phrases like 'Scarlet Women'. I really find it repulsive because to some extent people who don't get informed end up thinking negatively about themselves.
Take your average Irishman (In Roman language 'Ir' means 'lost'.) who might still live in a bog trying to escape persecution from the Romano-Bruttii intrigue. He hasn't been able to read about his proud heritage even if he had the time. People like St. Patrick burned their history and cultural heritage and then the British (founded by Bruttii 'runaways') destroyed their moral and legal land-use and marriage customs. Yep, he will get hammered when he has a chance. Sure he could be called a tool and lord knows I am a fool. A fool thinks he is a wise man as the sage did proffer, but the wise man knows he is a fool.
Then along came the Manichean who was bought by Rome. His mother St. Monica was a witch and he was a sexually obsessed deviate who wrote volumes of titillating trash about it even after he became celibate or chaste. The American Psychoanalytical Association did a thorough study of this 'man'. They write about their findings as part of the forward to his book which is called Confessions. You can learn a lot by reading these cretins' actual writing. Another good one is Loyola's In His Own Words. There you will find him being initiated into Luciferian Heliopolitanism by monks of a Manresa Lodge. But I am getting side-tracked and you might think I am hammered as I write these words. I wish!
So we have this 'man' who tried to have Pelagius declared a heretic on at least three occasions because of Pelagian 'good acts' rather than Salvation-oriented 'fear-mongering'. You can still find people using the word Pelagian as a pejorative epithet even though Augustine never succeeded in having him declared a heretic by the Inquisitors. This 'man' called St. Augustine is the fomenter of 'women are the harbingers of the Original Sin' garbage! Scapegoating of women became a powerful social engineering tool because of his great work. At the Council of Carthage in 397 AD (Many Celtic Churchian did not attend.) they had the nerve to declare women were second or third class humans. The scapegoaters are the real 'harbingers' I say!
I almost chuckle at the perverse twisting of phrases and epithets that go along with developing archetypes and other CONstructs. When I first figured out that Rome called common Kelts by the term for a 'hammered tool' I was amazed. I still don't really know when this started or if a 'celt' was always known as a hammered tool. Hey, I am sometimes known to get hammered and I know many Romans do too. There is a never-ending list of pejorative phrases like 'Scarlet Women'. I really find it repulsive because to some extent people who don't get informed end up thinking negatively about themselves.
Take your average Irishman (In Roman language 'Ir' means 'lost'.) who might still live in a bog trying to escape persecution from the Romano-Bruttii intrigue. He hasn't been able to read about his proud heritage even if he had the time. People like St. Patrick burned their history and cultural heritage and then the British (founded by Bruttii 'runaways') destroyed their moral and legal land-use and marriage customs. Yep, he will get hammered when he has a chance. Sure he could be called a tool and lord knows I am a fool. A fool thinks he is a wise man as the sage did proffer, but the wise man knows he is a fool.
Then along came the Manichean who was bought by Rome. His mother St. Monica was a witch and he was a sexually obsessed deviate who wrote volumes of titillating trash about it even after he became celibate or chaste. The American Psychoanalytical Association did a thorough study of this 'man'. They write about their findings as part of the forward to his book which is called Confessions. You can learn a lot by reading these cretins' actual writing. Another good one is Loyola's In His Own Words. There you will find him being initiated into Luciferian Heliopolitanism by monks of a Manresa Lodge. But I am getting side-tracked and you might think I am hammered as I write these words. I wish!
So we have this 'man' who tried to have Pelagius declared a heretic on at least three occasions because of Pelagian 'good acts' rather than Salvation-oriented 'fear-mongering'. You can still find people using the word Pelagian as a pejorative epithet even though Augustine never succeeded in having him declared a heretic by the Inquisitors. This 'man' called St. Augustine is the fomenter of 'women are the harbingers of the Original Sin' garbage! Scapegoating of women became a powerful social engineering tool because of his great work. At the Council of Carthage in 397 AD (Many Celtic Churchian did not attend.) they had the nerve to declare women were second or third class humans. The scapegoaters are the real 'harbingers' I say!