How Much Does a Speeding Ticket Cost in Denver, Colorado?
- Chapter 54 of Denver's Code of Ordinances details the penalties a speeding ticket will carry based on a point system established by the Colorado Revised Statutes. Point violations vary depending on the severity of the traffic incident, according to the Denver Code of Ordinances. Zero-point violations result in $30 fines, one or two-point violations carry $40 fines, three-point violations have $70 fines and four-point violations result in a fine between $100 and $125, according to the Denver Code of Ordinances.
- Any speeding violation that occurs in a safety zone, construction zone or a school zone will result in the fines outlined above to be doubled, according to the Denver Code of Ordinances.
- The point system does not apply to infractions where the driver exceeds the speed limit by 20 or more miles per hour, or when the violation has caused or contributed to an accident resulting in property damage, or injury or death to any person, according to the Denver Code of Ordinances. In such instances, the presiding judge will make determinations on the defendant's punishment based on applicable criminal laws.
Point System
Increased Fine Zones