The Five Most Interesting Bikram Yoga Poses
Bikram yoga consists of 26 sequenced poses that work on each part of the body to gain maximum efficiency performed in a heated area.
Listed below are 5 interesting poses and a little information about each of them.
These postures also involve correct breathing techniques.
All of the Bikram yoga poses are taught at specialised Bikram yoga studios around the world under the guidance of trained teachers.
Listed below are 5 interesting poses and a little information about each of them.
- The Awkward pose - Utkatasana - is a pose that assists in aligning the skeletal system.
It is a very strengthening pose for the lower limbs, upper arms and stomach region.
It can assist in spinal problems, arthritis in the hip, ankle or knee and opens the pelvic area.
This pose is the third in the sequence.
It is an upright stance with arms straight out in front from the shoulder.
Hips are lowered and knees bent.
The pelvis is about 2 inches above the knees and in line with the heels. - The Balancing Stick pose - Tuladandasana is the seventh Bikram yoga pose and one of great concentration.
It is a standing position involving a forward tilt with raised arm and leg being parallel with the floor.
It benefits the heart muscle, increases circulation and unclogs arteries as well as relieving stress from the spinal area.
It is done on both sides of the body. - Another interesting pose is Number 11 - the Tree pose - Tadasana.
As the name suggests it is an upright standing pose.
It is good for the posture, balance, spine and releasing tension in the lower back area.
It encourages flexibility of ankle, hip and knee.
It involves pressing the sole of the foot into the inner thigh whilst keeping the hips straight and balancing. - Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose - Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana - is a great pose for stretching the sciatic nerves and assisting in the function of the small and large intestine.
The vertebrae and hip joints also benefit from this exercise and flexibility and tone of leg muscles are improved.
The aim is to have a straight back with knees locked and the pose is forward bending towards the floor. - Bow Pose - Dhanurasana expands the lungs by opening up the rib cage and encourages good spinal health.
With its flexing and stretching, it increases circulation and aids many organs of the body such as liver and kidneys.
It involves lying on the stomach, gripping the ankles and lifting knees, chest and chin.
These postures also involve correct breathing techniques.
All of the Bikram yoga poses are taught at specialised Bikram yoga studios around the world under the guidance of trained teachers.