How to Create Dynamic Tables in JavaScript
- 1). Create an array. In a script block, we will use the names of months to create an array (an ordered collection of data in the format [ var myArray = new Array();]) to generate a calendar as the example script below shows:
var months = new Array();
months[0] = "January"; months [1] = "February"'
months[2] = "March"; months[3] = "April";
months[4] = "May"; months[5] = "June";
months[6] = "July"; months[7] = "August";
months[8] = "September"; months[9] = "October";
months[10] = "November"; months[11] = "December"; - 2). Create a "new Date" object and store it in the variable "currentDate" (See code in Step 3 below).
- 3). Create a "currentMonth" variable. The format for the above code is:
Var currentDate = new Date();
Var currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth();
currentDate.setDate(1); - 4). Output the table top, first row and the second row. These contain the day of the month and the days of the week as follows:
Document.write ("<table border=1 callpadding=3
Document.write("td colspan=7 aligh='center'>"
Months[currentMonth] + "<td>");
Document.write ("<tr>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>S</td>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>M</td>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>T</td>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>W</td>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>T</td>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>F</td>");
Document.write("<td align='center'>S</td>");
Document.write("</tr>"); - 5). Handle the first day of the month case. This is where the first day of the month is not a Sunday and the code format is:
If (currentDate.getDay() !=0){
For (i=0; i<currentDate.getDay(); i++) {
Document.write ("<td> <td>");
} - 6). Create a "while" loop. Inside the loop do a couple of checks to determine where the tags will fall as follows:
While (currentDate.getMonth() ==currentMonth){
If (currentDate.getDay ==0) {
Document.write ("<tr>");
document.write ("<td align='center'>" +
currentDate.getDate() + "</td>");
if (currentDate.getDate() ==6){
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1)'
) - 7). Use a "for" loop to complete last rows as follows:
For (I = currentDate.getDate(); i<= 6; i++) {
Document.write("<td> <td>"); - 8). Close the table tag. Output a closing table tag as follows: