How to Get Noticed as a Comic Book Writer
- 1). Visit a variety of comic book conventions and speak to the different professional comic book writers who attend as guests. Speak to professional writers and ask them questions about how they got involved in the business as a way to introduce yourself to them informally. You may also pitch your comic book ideas to them, on the off chance they are interested in your ideas.
- 2). Send your writing to a variety of comic book editors and ask for their opinion. Even if your idea is sent back with a number of critical responses, do not be discouraged. Keep sending your comic book ideas to editors. Each critical response you receive helps gradually make your comic book writing substantially better, until it reaches a level where it is considered by a professional editor and a piece of work they can use.
- 3). Attend a number of different classes on how to improve your creative writing. These classes can be found at community centers and other places of education. Many of these classes are free to attend, and can give you a fresh perspective on creative writing, helping to improve your comic book writing.
- 4). Look to create a unique comic book that stands out from the crowd. Creating a comic book idea similar to one already produced will most likely be ignored by any professional comic book editor. Creating a fresh idea is more likely to be noticed by editors, giving you a better chance of being successful.
- 5). Improve your basic grammar and spelling skills. When submitting a comic book to an editor, you find that many editors instantly reject an idea purely because the spelling and grammar is poor.