How to Repair a Water-Damaged Rug
- 1). Place two sawhorses in a clear area outside, out of direct sunlight. Make sure the sawhorses are clean and free from splinters or protruding nails that could damage the rug. Place the rug on top of the sawhorses. Do this on a warm, sunny day when there is no chance of rain. Alternatively, place the rug on top of the sawhorses inside a well-ventilated garage.
- 2). Point fans in the direction of the rug. Allow the fans to run for several hours until the rug is completely dry.
- 3). Fill a bucket with 1 gallon of warm water. Add 2 cups of white vinegar, and a few drops of liquid dish soap. Mix the contents with a wooden spoon. Vinegar is an all-natural deodorizer that kills mold and its spores.
- 4). Saturate a scrub brush in the mixture. Scrub the rug in a steady circular motion. Keep saturating the scrub brush and scrubbing the rug until it is thoroughly cleaned.
- 5). Fill a clean bucket with cool water. Saturate a cloth in the water, and wring out the excess liquid. Rinse the rug by blotting with the damp cloth.
- 6). Allow the rug to dry once again. Use the fans to speed up the drying process.