How to Find Unclaimed Property
- 1). Visit the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) website. From the map that appears on the home page, select the state in which you wish to conduct your unclaimed property search. Unclaimed property searches are conducted at the state level, so if you have unclaimed property in a state that you used to live in, then you'll have to search through that state instead of the state that you live in currently. When you click on the state that you wish to search in, you will be taken to that state's treasury department website or similar state-run website that is devoted to unclaimed property.
- 2). Search the website that you are taken to for a link to an unclaimed property branch of the treasury department. It may be labeled simply "Unclaimed Property," or it might have a name similar to "Division of Unclaimed Property." When you locate the link, click it so that you will be taken to the unclaimed property portion of the website.
- 3). On this page, find a link that reads "Search for Unclaimed Property" or something similar. The link might appear on the page itself, or it might be part of a menu on the page. Make sure that you check both options if you can't immediately find the link. This will take you to the state's unclaimed property search form.
- 4). Enter the criteria that you wish to use in your search into the appropriate sections of the search form. Depending on the state, you may be able to search by either personal name or business name. You should receive a listing of all individuals with unclaimed property who fit your search criteria. In most cases, the specific cash value of the unclaimed property will not be listed.
- 5). Select the unclaimed property item that you wish to make a claim for (most likely it will simply list your name and possibly the city from which the unclaimed property originated). Depending on the state, you may be able to make an electronic claim provided that you are able to prove your identity with your social security and/or driver's license number. If you are not able to file your claim online, follow the instructions on the site to write to the unclaimed property office to make your claim.