PCL to PDF Conversion
- The page description language known as "printer command language" (PCL) is a Hewlett-Packard printer protocol (sets of rules for how printers operate). Preferred document format (PDF) is part of the Post Script printer language family, and is a rival of PCL. PDF can be viewed by any free reader supporting PDF files, including Adobe Acrobat Reader (which must be installed on your Mac or PC). Likewise, all documents can be converted into PDF files with free converters. However, to convert PCL to PDF, use special conversion software like PCLX Form--PCL Tool.
- Use more advanced PCL to PDF conversion options with PCLX Form/PCL Tool (choose option IV, and convert PCL to any format [including PDF format with extra options to stream edit PCL and add bar codes to PDF documents]). Convert Windows "True Type" typefaces with the "WINFMOVE" script command. Map fonts to True Type fonts or downloaded fonts instantly with PCLX Form/ PCL Tool to make your PCL to PDF document contain the fonts you want. Use the HP bitmap-to-scalable (True Type) font conversion feature in PCLX Form/ PCL Tool to automatically implement real fonts into a PDF document (most free programs substitute PCL fonts for PDF output). Bitmap to scalable font conversion also allows for finer vector images to be produced in PDF files.
- An image resolution is most likely smaller than a printer's resolution. Because of this, a scaling of the original image must be performed by PCL protocols contained in the printer software. Pixels (the sections of an image divided into small grids or rectangles) are reproduced four times in scaling a smaller resolution image to the larger printer (PCL) resolution. Raster images like photographs are interpreted by PCL as squares, rather than rectangles (identical resolutions), and therefore, the scaling of a raster image will be performed on all four sides equally. Other printer languages provide a resolution value for the horizontal, and then a separate resolution for the vertical aspects of an image. When PCL is converted to PDF format (PDF normally does not contain true text, but rather an image) the original image is converted to the printer's resolution, meaning that extra pixels are added to increase the resolution size. Using your advanced PCL Tool software, select the True Type option to implement real image and fonts to the PDF file. After selecting these options, save the PDF file. View the PDF file with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Advanced Options for True Typefaces in PDF Files With PCLX Form/PCL Tool
Basic Conversion