Article Marketing Is A Great Way To Build Your List Bleeding Edge List Building Secrets
Article marketing is a great way to build your list. At the same time, there are a few common mistakes that most article marketers and list builders make. Let's take a closer look at one of the most common mistakes.
Article marketing with list building mistake number three
One of the most common mistakes to make when list building with article marketing is to get comfortable. For more details You build that list and you get to some numbers that you feel good about and it's fun to tell people about your list.
Your list is responsive. You are making sales. Then you get comfortable. It's human nature, folks, and there is this deadly disease along the road of success called Arrival Syndrome. That's the notion that we set a goal, work real hard to get there and then we get there and stop doing all of the things that got us there in the first place.
It sounds so dumb, but it's human nature. We get comfortable and boom! We stop doing what got us there and sure enough, the thing begins to slack off.
Getting to the top of something is good. It's difficult and it takes work. Staying on top is harder. And so my cure for the arrival syndrome is when you meet a goal, when you reach a goal, in this case, when you've built a good, highly responsive list, don't relax.
In order to keep it going, not only keep doing the things you did to get you there, do more of them. Do more of them. Not only keep doing the things that got you there but do more of them.
Keep these tips and tools in mind when list building with your articles.
Bleeding Edge List Building Secrets That Will Stuff Your Inbox With Cash
I am very sure that you must have heard many internet marketers say how important it is to build a list. Maybe you are even sick of hearing this.
At one point of my internet marketing career I was extremely frustrated because everybody was saying that you needed to build a list. I must have bought nearly every list building ebook out there and was still extremely disappointed with my results. For more details In this article I would like to go over some valuable lessons that will hopefully boost your results.
There are actually only a couple of good ways that you can build a valuable list. Do not get sucked into the fancy stuff like web 2 if your basics are not working. The point that I am trying to get across here is make sure that you have a marketing system that converts.
A really easy way to start out is article marketing. The way that this works is you write articles and submit them to all the major directories. If people like what you have written they will click through to your squeeze page and subscribe to your newsletter.
Some very important points that will really boost you list building efforts are you need to have a squeeze page that converts very well. Say for example you earn a dollar a month for every subscriber and your squeeze page converts 5 subscribers out of every 100 visitors. Now you tweak the headlines and sales copy and you get the conversion up to 40 subscribers. Can you see the difference this will make. Now you will be earning 40 dollars for every 100 visitors.
Finally, one of the skills that you need to learn is how to build a relationship. If you get this right you will be able to earn a significant amount of money from your list. Also you need to become very good with email copywriting.
Article marketing with list building mistake number three
One of the most common mistakes to make when list building with article marketing is to get comfortable. For more details You build that list and you get to some numbers that you feel good about and it's fun to tell people about your list.
Your list is responsive. You are making sales. Then you get comfortable. It's human nature, folks, and there is this deadly disease along the road of success called Arrival Syndrome. That's the notion that we set a goal, work real hard to get there and then we get there and stop doing all of the things that got us there in the first place.
It sounds so dumb, but it's human nature. We get comfortable and boom! We stop doing what got us there and sure enough, the thing begins to slack off.
Getting to the top of something is good. It's difficult and it takes work. Staying on top is harder. And so my cure for the arrival syndrome is when you meet a goal, when you reach a goal, in this case, when you've built a good, highly responsive list, don't relax.
In order to keep it going, not only keep doing the things you did to get you there, do more of them. Do more of them. Not only keep doing the things that got you there but do more of them.
Keep these tips and tools in mind when list building with your articles.
Bleeding Edge List Building Secrets That Will Stuff Your Inbox With Cash
I am very sure that you must have heard many internet marketers say how important it is to build a list. Maybe you are even sick of hearing this.
At one point of my internet marketing career I was extremely frustrated because everybody was saying that you needed to build a list. I must have bought nearly every list building ebook out there and was still extremely disappointed with my results. For more details In this article I would like to go over some valuable lessons that will hopefully boost your results.
There are actually only a couple of good ways that you can build a valuable list. Do not get sucked into the fancy stuff like web 2 if your basics are not working. The point that I am trying to get across here is make sure that you have a marketing system that converts.
A really easy way to start out is article marketing. The way that this works is you write articles and submit them to all the major directories. If people like what you have written they will click through to your squeeze page and subscribe to your newsletter.
Some very important points that will really boost you list building efforts are you need to have a squeeze page that converts very well. Say for example you earn a dollar a month for every subscriber and your squeeze page converts 5 subscribers out of every 100 visitors. Now you tweak the headlines and sales copy and you get the conversion up to 40 subscribers. Can you see the difference this will make. Now you will be earning 40 dollars for every 100 visitors.
Finally, one of the skills that you need to learn is how to build a relationship. If you get this right you will be able to earn a significant amount of money from your list. Also you need to become very good with email copywriting.