Pest Control Tips for Rock Pool Mosquitoes
One of the most common problems for a Portland pest control service to deal with is mosquitoes. Cities in the Pacific Northwest are especially susceptible to mosquitoes, due to abundant rainfall and areas of standing water. Mosquitoes have become more important recently, because the rock pool mosquito has been spotted in Oregon. It is a species native to Asia known to carry diseases. Here is some information on the species, as well as mosquito pest control techniques to keep them away from your home and family.
Introducing the Rock Pool Mosquito
Also known as Ochlerotatus Japonicus, the rock pool mosquito was brought to the US in 1998, in a tire shipment. You don't need a Portland pest control service representative to identify this non-native insect; you can simply recognize it by finding the unique white stripes on its legs. One particularly troubling aspect of this species is their ability to breed in almost any sitting water, unlike native species, which lay eggs in natural bodies of water like marshes.
Female rock pool mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at once, which is why pest management officials in the Multnomah County area have been busy this summer. Health officials are concerned because a rock pool mosquito can carry a number of deadly diseases, including West Nile virus, malaria, and Dengue fever.
These mosquitoes bite during the day, which is another concern for state health officials and experts at your local pest control company. Portland residents should be concerned, like Carl Pierce, Multnomah County's public vector ecologist, who was recently quoted in the Oregonian, "The potential for disease transmission is much greater with these guys."
Mosquito Pest Control Techniques
Portland Pest control service providers suggest the following tips to minimize mosquito:
Remove standing water from your property. In a wet climate like Portland, pest managements service gurus recommend that you remove any containers that can hold water: gutters, pools, cans, tires, birdbaths or buckets. This will destroy potential breeding habitats.
Get mosquito traps. Traps are a good way to practice green mosquito pest control; instead of spraying chemicals, the insects are lured into an enclosed container. Mosquitoes are especially attracted to yeast, sugar, and alfalfa, and can be used in traps. For instructions on how to build a mosquito trap, use a search engine to search for "DIY mosquito trap".
Wear light, long-sleeved clothing. Etymologists argue that mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, because they locate their meal visually, and see dark colors better than lighter ones. Also, wearing light, summer clothing with long sleeves will reduce the amount of surface area available for bloodthirsty mosquitoes.
Use mosquito repellant. The most common approach to mosquito pest control is DEET, a synthetic chemical. Studies show that DEET can damage brain cells over time, so most pest experts recommend avoiding it except when it's absolutely necessary. Instead, use a natural mosquito repellant using oils from plants that mosquitoes dislike, like lavender or mint. Another recommendation is to grow mosquito-repelling plants around your property.
Follow these tips, and you can avoid rock pool, and other mosquito, bites. If you have a significant mosquito population around your home, it's best to call a Portland pest control service for help.
Introducing the Rock Pool Mosquito
Also known as Ochlerotatus Japonicus, the rock pool mosquito was brought to the US in 1998, in a tire shipment. You don't need a Portland pest control service representative to identify this non-native insect; you can simply recognize it by finding the unique white stripes on its legs. One particularly troubling aspect of this species is their ability to breed in almost any sitting water, unlike native species, which lay eggs in natural bodies of water like marshes.
Female rock pool mosquitoes can lay up to 300 eggs at once, which is why pest management officials in the Multnomah County area have been busy this summer. Health officials are concerned because a rock pool mosquito can carry a number of deadly diseases, including West Nile virus, malaria, and Dengue fever.
These mosquitoes bite during the day, which is another concern for state health officials and experts at your local pest control company. Portland residents should be concerned, like Carl Pierce, Multnomah County's public vector ecologist, who was recently quoted in the Oregonian, "The potential for disease transmission is much greater with these guys."
Mosquito Pest Control Techniques
Portland Pest control service providers suggest the following tips to minimize mosquito:
Remove standing water from your property. In a wet climate like Portland, pest managements service gurus recommend that you remove any containers that can hold water: gutters, pools, cans, tires, birdbaths or buckets. This will destroy potential breeding habitats.
Get mosquito traps. Traps are a good way to practice green mosquito pest control; instead of spraying chemicals, the insects are lured into an enclosed container. Mosquitoes are especially attracted to yeast, sugar, and alfalfa, and can be used in traps. For instructions on how to build a mosquito trap, use a search engine to search for "DIY mosquito trap".
Wear light, long-sleeved clothing. Etymologists argue that mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, because they locate their meal visually, and see dark colors better than lighter ones. Also, wearing light, summer clothing with long sleeves will reduce the amount of surface area available for bloodthirsty mosquitoes.
Use mosquito repellant. The most common approach to mosquito pest control is DEET, a synthetic chemical. Studies show that DEET can damage brain cells over time, so most pest experts recommend avoiding it except when it's absolutely necessary. Instead, use a natural mosquito repellant using oils from plants that mosquitoes dislike, like lavender or mint. Another recommendation is to grow mosquito-repelling plants around your property.
Follow these tips, and you can avoid rock pool, and other mosquito, bites. If you have a significant mosquito population around your home, it's best to call a Portland pest control service for help.