Happy Gotcha Day to Argos the Greyhound
Time Flies
It was a very cold December afternoon four years ago that we met Argos. The local Greyhound rescue group brought over a couple hounds in need of homes. Argos, as they say, "chose us" by walking over and leaning on us, which is Greyhound language for "I like you."
Argos was very quiet, and probably not too sure of himself off of the track, but we knew he was the dog for our family. (Happy to report the other dog, a small female, found her home within the week too.)
What is a Gotcha Day?
Adopted pets often have a "gotcha day" instead of a birthday - the day of their adoption. Even though his date of birth is known, I remember the day we adopted Argos easier than I do his real birthday.
Looking Back
We were not sure how he would be with cats, given that he had quite a career before retiring. We took every precaution and took it slow, but he barely looked at the cats. This is remarkable, since the cats tried everything in their power to engage him.
Argos got along well with Sophie, and learned her "regular dog" ways around the house and on walks. Sophie taught Argos that walks were fun, people-greeting is a great hobby, and cookies come to those who wait.
Later, we fostered a Greyhound called Hammer. Argos got along with this new young male Greyhound, but it wasn't a love match. Hammer was a fun foster though, and found a perfect-fit forever home.
Two years after adopting Argos, we fostered again, this time a young, very timid female named "Burro." It was love at first sight for all of us, and we decided to adopt her.
We named her "Purl" (as the knitting term is spelled), which sounds similar to Burro, and she never missed a beat. See photos and stories about Purl, formerly Burro.
The trio of Sophie, Argos, and Purl was a great combination. Purl changed the most, going from fearing her own shadow to sassing everyone in the house.
We said a sad goodbye to Sophie this fall, and the Greyhounds were somewhat lost in the weeks that followed. Leaderless. Greyhounds rarely bark as a rule, and without Sophie leading the charge, I never know if someone is at the door these days. The hounds are the quintessential couch potatoes, and only meet me at the door now if it is convenient for them.
Life is different now.
Looking Ahead
These four years have flown by, and Argos is now 8 years old. He is enjoying his retirement to the fullest. He has always been calm and couch-loving, so not much has changed yet has he has gotten older.
Even in his retirement, Argos has done some important work in this time with us. He has been the best ambassador for Greyhound rescue, adoption, and fostering.
People curious about Greyhounds (or any breed) or living with a dog in general, stop us on every walk to ask questions and learn more about adopting and fostering. For those unsure if a pet is a good fit, fostering is a great way to help a dog or cat get used to home life and for the fostering family to learn more about that pet, ultimately making that pet more adoptable.
Happy Gotcha Day and many more, Argos.