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Absolutely Psychic Network - Eight Of Cups In Tarot

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The focus is on recently completed projects, relationships, or ideals that have gone as far as they can go, as well as the desire to move on or do something else.You don't understand the situation you're in or why things are the way they are, and you want to know if there's anyone "up there" who's listening or cares.Your success will come through a fortunate adjustment in a financial matter or a successful ligation or lawsuit and in keeping your emotions on an even keel.You can expect a stress-free but unfulfilling rendezvous (no fireworks). If, however, your relationship already exists, pent-up pressure or negativity may create feelings of alienation or cause it to sour.You will experience an event that will change your perspective entirely, a change for the better caused by a friend, lover, or associate who enters your personal life or business world. This could also be due to a sudden windfall.

You will enjoy the company of others and will want to make a positive impact on them, or to aid, assist, or comfort; and they will feel the same about you.A trip may have to be postponed due to someone's tardiness or an illness in the family, and you will soon travel for health reasons or to visit with a good friend.You will take a drive or go on an outing with a lover or admirer, but in the process, you will realize that your relationship has no future or can go no further because it "doesn't push your buttons" or it just isn't right for you.A favor involving papers will be offered.Your business will expand or your skills will be sought after or in demand, but there will also be a personal loss.You will make a decision to end a personal relationship, to finish it, end a cycle, and move on -- a friend, yes, but a lover or lifetime partner, no.You will be dismayed at the turn of events that seem to sabotage your best intentions, but in the final analysis, things will turn around, and peace will be restored.You will enjoy outings with friends, clothes, furnishings, or new products.News will arrive that will cause you to look at alternatives where living quarters are concerned and/or an awaited call will finally come.You will do a favor for a friend or relative who is planning to travel, or you will make tentative plans to get together.

You will have problems with your eyes like an inflammation, irritant, blurred vision, or infection, but this could also indicate a soft-tissue problem or fungus infection.You will be feeling the lack of money and will literally pray for it to come in, and every time you turn around, another expense will come up.You are going to get the ball rolling on a new venture that could be very rewarding, but you will still be missing that significant "other" in your personal life.Expect to hear some good news from a friend or relative who'll be in a better frame of mind due to a sudden improvement in their love life or livelihood.You will soon give or receive a gift of gold (something that hangs).Papers will be completed and ready to distribute or mail, and/or someone will offer to give you their mailing list.You'll be concerned about your future, your love life, and your finances and about whether a business project will succeed or fail.Things are not going to be as easy as you thought or go according to the plans you made, but conditions will take a turn for the better or prove to be a lucky break.

Money troubles, relating problems, or obstacles to unions will be overcome.You will embark on a new project, training program, or moneymaking enterprise.Learn how to establish a link between yourself and God for times of crisis, and make an effort to remember your metaphysical principles. One way to do this is to still the questions or "whys" of your mind, and just TRUST.You will "inherit" the opportunity to learn or implement something new.A short trip or jaunt will ensue because of a call or caller (could be from a lover), or an admirer will call and want to spend some time with you.You will be thankful for a new career direction.Whether you see it or not, you're being given the opportunity to rise above your habitual or instinctive response patterns, and if you make a conscious attempt to do so, they will lose their grip on you.Luck will be with you in the arrival of money or a long-awaited financial settlement.Things are going to end on a positive note, and you will find yourself moving in a new direction.

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