Drug Rehab Centers for People in Trouble With the Law
- Courts will sometimes recognize an intuitive on the part of the defendant to enroll in a rehab center of their own choosing. The office of probation might be assigned to follow the progress with another court appearance set to evaluate the situation upon completion of the rehab program. This is a scenario mostly seen is lesser offensive crimes.
- The court could appoint the defendant to a rehab that is recognized by the penal system leaving no choice for rehabilitation locations. These centers tend to be strict and less accommodating than the ones offered to the general public. Some states have military type boot camp rehabs that are not only recognized by the court but a preferred sentencing site.
- There is a nationwide intense community drug based sentencing venue called "drug court." This is an alternative to incarceration. This rehab treatment is overseen by the sitting judge and is highly supervised. This is done while living in the community with strict guidelines and curfew.
- A rehab program within a prison is the choice for most courts for the re-offending defendant. This site provides the basic minimums and is the least accommodating drug rehab program. The rehabilitation is done while the person is behind bars and doing his prison time for the crimes committed.
- There are chemical rehab programs that the court seldom recognizes as a rehab sentence when done by itself. Methadone as replacement therapy or Naltrexone as an antagonist therapy are medications found in the two chemical treatment types offered today. The court usually mandates probation or counseling with treatment.
Public Rehab
Incarceration Without Bars
Intense Community Based
Rehab In A Prison
Chemical Rehab