What Are the Dangers of Corn Sweetener?
- Corn syrup is difficult for the body to metabolize.corn image by OMKAR A.V from Fotolia.com
Prior to the 1970s, most of our sugar came from sugar cane and sugar beets. Then, high fructose corn syrup was developed, and sweeteners as we knew them were forever changed. Fructose was cheaper and easier to create, and soon it was in everything from soft drinks and fruit juices to cereal and barbecue sauce. Originally thought to be better for us than sucrose, fructose is now identified as a major cause of our deteriorating health. - Fructose was once thought to be better for diabetics, but now it is believed to contribute to diabetic complications.
- Fructose is processed in the body differently than sugar. All cells in the body can metabolize glucose, whereas fructose can only be metabolized in the liver. That puts stress on the liver, so large amounts of fructose are processed into fat instead of energy.
- Fructose promotes disease more readily than glucose. Fructose is connected with increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels and the creation of blood clots
- Fructose interferes with the body's proper use and assimilation of minerals and nutrients, which not only interferes with the proper functioning of the body's systems but also increases the risks of bone fragility, anemia and defects in connective tissue, arteries and bones. Fructose also inhibits the actions of the immune system and interferes with the function of the pancreas.
- In addition to damaging many bodily systems, fructose is connected to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the body and may alter intercellular metabolism, all of which are signs of aging in the human body.
- In children, fructose has been become a major factor in the increase in allergies, food intolerances, hyperactivity, fatigue and poor concentration. Discontinuing consumption of foods containing high fructose corn syrup usually relieves these symptoms.
- In addition, fructose interferes with oral contraceptives and increases the likelihood of becoming infertile.
Cardiac Problems
Breakdown of Bodily Systems
Speeds Up the Aging Process
Allergies and Behavior Issues
Family Planning