Cat and Jennifer Cora
Who are Cat and Jennifer Cora?
Cat Cora is the first and only female Iron Chef on Food Network's show Iron Chef America. She is the author of two books, Cat Cora's Kitchen and Cooking from the Hip. She is also the founder of the charity Chefs for Humanity. Jennifer and Cat Cora have been together for more than ten years and are in a domestic partnership in CaliforniaAbout Jennifer and Cat Cora
Cat Cora said in an interview with Food Gal "Jen and I have never hidden the fact that we’re together.Our kids are important to us, and we want them to know we’re proud to be their mothers. You have to stand up for who you are, because you are basically standing up for them. We’re just an all-American family living the all-American dream."
When asked by Food Gal if she and Jennifer got married in the window of opportunity when same-sex marriage was legal in California, Cat said, "No. We’re domestic partners. We were legally advised not to rush to the altar, because once you get married, your domestic partnership goes out the window. With another child on the way, a health-care proxy is absolutely necessary to have. But I support everyone who has gotten married."Children
Cat and Jennifer have two sons Zoran and Caje. Both Jennifer and Cat are now pregnant with their third and fourth children. According to a press release from Cat Cora, Jennifer carried their first son, who she conceived through artificial insemination. Their second son was carried to term by Jennifer, but this time using Cat's embryo.Now both Cat and Jennifer are pregnant, Cat's pregnancy is the result of in-vitro fertilization with Jennifer's embryo. Jennifer was implanted with embryos from from both women, so the biological mother is unknown. All children have the same sperm donor.
Cat and Jennifer Cora Love Quotes
Cat said in Modern Mom: "I have a passion for my job and that helps me stay fresh, focused and excited about going to work everyday. My work helps me stay balanced and happy when I am with my family. My other half is super supportive and takes care of our son while I am on the road It helps to have a spouse that you are on the same page with."When asked about the passage of Prop 8 in California, Cat Cora said, "We’re all disappointed. On a good note, it was close. But it’s shocking and stunning to think this happened, given how progressive we think Californians are. It’s sad this issue is even on the ballot in this day and age."