"Dr. Linus" Theories and Observations
Complete Episode Guide:Dr. Linus Guide
Dr. Linus Theories
- Some have theorized that Jacob knew that Ben was going to kill him, but that theory was proven wrong when Miles said that Jacob was hoping he was wrong about Ben.
- Richard said he was at the Black Rock before, but has never been back since. It seems pretty likely that he arrived on the island on the Black Rock, and by the way he looked at the chains (plus Man in Locke's comment about him being out of the chains back at the statue), my guess is he was brought over as a slave. I think it was in the early 1800s and had to do with the information Alex was studying with Ben in the flash-sideways.
- Does everyone whom Jacob touches stop aging? Obviously Sawyer and Kate aged since Jacob touched them, but perhaps they stop at whatever age they are when they are on the island and while off the island they age.
- In the flash-sideways, Ben's boss was Principal Donald Reynolds. I think this is the same Donald who was on Flight 815 and crashed with the Tailies. Libby set his broken leg, but he died after a few days. Also, Reynolds is a crossed off name on the cave wall.
Observations from Dr. Linus
- Ben could have been talking about himself on the island when he was teaching his class in the flash-sideways and said, "ELBA is where Napoleon faces his greatest test, because exile wasn't the worst of his fate. What was truly devastating to him was the loss of his power. Sure, they allowed him to keep the title of Emperor, but without any power, it was meaningless. He might just as well have been dead."
- Ben says he remembers the plane breaking in half, but it actually broke into three parts with the fuselage landing on the beach, the tail section landing on the other side of the island, and the cockpit landing in the jungle.
- Miles must have heard the last thoughts of Nikki and Paulo because he knew that they were buried alive.
- On the island, Ben talks about Miles blackmailing him. In the flash-sideways, Ben tries to blackmail the principal.
- In the flash-sideways Ben tried to oust the principal and take his job for having an inappropriate relationship with the school nurse. On the island, Ben did oust Widmore and take his job as leader because Widmore had a child with a woman off the island.