Getting an E-Book Cover That Generates More Sales and Stuffs Cash Into Your Pockets
It's no secret that having great looking eBook covers can result in significantly more sales.
And when push comes to shove, anything we can do to increase our sales is worth doing.
People have asked me why eBook covers increase sales.
It all comes down to perception.
Here's what I mean.
We're in the information publishing business.
To be more specific, we're in the electronic information publishing business.
That means we're dealing with a lot of intangibles.
Customers can't hold and browse what you're selling them.
Think about how much blind faith a customer is being asked to take when they arrive at your website and you attempt to sell them an information product.
So here's the secret.
You need to hire a graphic designer to have your eBook covers created.
That might sound a bit obvious, but is it? I've met people who tell me that they've spent countless hours and spent hundreds of dollars buying graphic design software so that they can create their own covers.
What these people are missing is that they could be using that time more wisely.
Pay a competent graphic designer $40 and you'll have a wonderful cover that you can use forever.
How do you know if a graphic designer is good or not? Take a look at their portfolio of previous covers.
It's simple, really.
Right now you might be thinking that it would make more sense to just make your own covers.
I'm not going to argue with that logic.
Maybe you're good with graphics? But listen, if you're not, spend the money and let a professional create your cover.
It's worth it, trust me.
And when push comes to shove, anything we can do to increase our sales is worth doing.
People have asked me why eBook covers increase sales.
It all comes down to perception.
Here's what I mean.
We're in the information publishing business.
To be more specific, we're in the electronic information publishing business.
That means we're dealing with a lot of intangibles.
Customers can't hold and browse what you're selling them.
Think about how much blind faith a customer is being asked to take when they arrive at your website and you attempt to sell them an information product.
So here's the secret.
You need to hire a graphic designer to have your eBook covers created.
That might sound a bit obvious, but is it? I've met people who tell me that they've spent countless hours and spent hundreds of dollars buying graphic design software so that they can create their own covers.
What these people are missing is that they could be using that time more wisely.
Pay a competent graphic designer $40 and you'll have a wonderful cover that you can use forever.
How do you know if a graphic designer is good or not? Take a look at their portfolio of previous covers.
It's simple, really.
Right now you might be thinking that it would make more sense to just make your own covers.
I'm not going to argue with that logic.
Maybe you're good with graphics? But listen, if you're not, spend the money and let a professional create your cover.
It's worth it, trust me.