How to Get Him to Propose - Head Over Heels Crazy Tactics to Get Him to His Knee
The scenario: you're head over heels crazy in love with a guy, but you don't know how to get him to propose.
This can be a very frustrating situation to find yourself in, but don't get too discouraged.
This is a very common occurrence, and there are actions you can start taking today to get the man you love and adore to commit to being your husband.
You can end the heartbreak and confusion and obtain the relationship you desire.
Learning how to get him to propose to you will require accepting that men and women approach the topic of marriage very differently.
Women are emotional by nature.
Men are rational by nature.
You'll need to think like your boyfriend if you want him to drop to one knee.
You may feel the need to express your disappointment to your man, and interrogate him about why he hasn't asked you to marry him yet.
Expressing your feelings is thinking like a woman and can be counter productive in several ways.
First, discussing a proposal and wedding all the time will make your man feel pressured and he will pull away.
He will close his mind off to the idea to keep from feeling stressed.
Then, when you express your frustration and disappointment, he will feel like he's not good enough and that you don't admire him and love him just the way he is.
If you have a tendency to talk about the big glamorous wedding you plan to have and how you can't wait to have your girlfriends gawk over the size of your ring, then stop.
If you make your man feel inside like he won't be able to provide you with everything you want, then chances are he will continue to be gun shy about pulling out the ring.
Getting him to propose to you will also depend upon your ability to get him to step out of his comfort zone without giving him an ultimatum.
As time goes on, men get comfortable with the relationship they have.
Their mentality is, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
" Your man may feel like he owns your heart, that he loves you very much and that you love him, everything is good, and there's no chance of losing you, so why put time and money into a wedding and marriage.
If he's stressed about his financial situation or has other things going on in his life, then he may not feel it's the right time for a proposal.
If a man feels he already has your heart, then he won't put a lot of effort into keeping it.
Human nature dictates that people want what they don't have.
Try pulling back a little emotionally and physically.
Be a little more distant.
Don't give him an ultimatum, but show him through your actions rather than words, that you have your own life, he doesn't own you, and there's a chance he could lose you if he doesn't make an effort to keep you and commit to you.
When he sees this, don't be surprised if he pulls a diamond ring out from his pocket.
Neither partner in any relationship should ever feel so comfortable that they don't have to put an effort into improving and moving a relationship forward.
This can be a very frustrating situation to find yourself in, but don't get too discouraged.
This is a very common occurrence, and there are actions you can start taking today to get the man you love and adore to commit to being your husband.
You can end the heartbreak and confusion and obtain the relationship you desire.
Learning how to get him to propose to you will require accepting that men and women approach the topic of marriage very differently.
Women are emotional by nature.
Men are rational by nature.
You'll need to think like your boyfriend if you want him to drop to one knee.
You may feel the need to express your disappointment to your man, and interrogate him about why he hasn't asked you to marry him yet.
Expressing your feelings is thinking like a woman and can be counter productive in several ways.
First, discussing a proposal and wedding all the time will make your man feel pressured and he will pull away.
He will close his mind off to the idea to keep from feeling stressed.
Then, when you express your frustration and disappointment, he will feel like he's not good enough and that you don't admire him and love him just the way he is.
If you have a tendency to talk about the big glamorous wedding you plan to have and how you can't wait to have your girlfriends gawk over the size of your ring, then stop.
If you make your man feel inside like he won't be able to provide you with everything you want, then chances are he will continue to be gun shy about pulling out the ring.
Getting him to propose to you will also depend upon your ability to get him to step out of his comfort zone without giving him an ultimatum.
As time goes on, men get comfortable with the relationship they have.
Their mentality is, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
" Your man may feel like he owns your heart, that he loves you very much and that you love him, everything is good, and there's no chance of losing you, so why put time and money into a wedding and marriage.
If he's stressed about his financial situation or has other things going on in his life, then he may not feel it's the right time for a proposal.
If a man feels he already has your heart, then he won't put a lot of effort into keeping it.
Human nature dictates that people want what they don't have.
Try pulling back a little emotionally and physically.
Be a little more distant.
Don't give him an ultimatum, but show him through your actions rather than words, that you have your own life, he doesn't own you, and there's a chance he could lose you if he doesn't make an effort to keep you and commit to you.
When he sees this, don't be surprised if he pulls a diamond ring out from his pocket.
Neither partner in any relationship should ever feel so comfortable that they don't have to put an effort into improving and moving a relationship forward.