10 Great Backlink Methods To Build Free Traffic For Your Internet Marketing Business
There are myriads of method popping up every single day that web masters out there are using to get backlink traffic to their sites. You too can begin employing these methods today so that you can take your site from zero hits a day to a million plus. Here are a few that are widespread and you should give a try.
1.Use video distribution sites - video marketing has already been proven to be one of the most effective ways that one can reach their targeted traffic effectively. If you find the right video distribution sites then all the videos with your links on them going out will come back to you as tons of backlink traffic.
2.Exchange your links with other web masters a lot of web masters love to use this technique although it may prove a bit hard for a beginner who does not already know any other web masters. What you have to do is give them a space on your site to place their link and they do the same for you. For beginners, a lot of web masters will not pay any attention to your request but with consistent trying you will get somewhere.
3.Article marketing writing articles and placing your link at the bottom of them is fast becoming one of the most widely used methods of getting backlinks. It does not cost too much and the results can be impressive.
4.Posting press releases this will entail you going to web sites with an already built following of millions and paying for a spot to put a press release on a huge event by you that is coming up.
5.Blogging a lot of web masters use this but it can be quite time consuming and cumbersome.
6.Posting up comments on Forums and blogs this is also widely followed all over the internet as a way of getting backlink traffic. One has to be careful however that what they are doing does not get them banned from forums and other forms of negative feedback.
7.Buying links from a web 2.0 site there are plenty of web 2.0 sites that will gladly sell you links. A down side however comes when such sites are no longer ranked by search engines as a good source of links for their surfers.
8.Becoming an affiliate of a larger already renowned web site.
9.Offering a service to a web site for a link on their web site.
10.Creating a referral scheme this is hard as usually you will have to be offering something very enticing to have somebody just refer your web site to some body else and have them do the same.
1.Use video distribution sites - video marketing has already been proven to be one of the most effective ways that one can reach their targeted traffic effectively. If you find the right video distribution sites then all the videos with your links on them going out will come back to you as tons of backlink traffic.
2.Exchange your links with other web masters a lot of web masters love to use this technique although it may prove a bit hard for a beginner who does not already know any other web masters. What you have to do is give them a space on your site to place their link and they do the same for you. For beginners, a lot of web masters will not pay any attention to your request but with consistent trying you will get somewhere.
3.Article marketing writing articles and placing your link at the bottom of them is fast becoming one of the most widely used methods of getting backlinks. It does not cost too much and the results can be impressive.
4.Posting press releases this will entail you going to web sites with an already built following of millions and paying for a spot to put a press release on a huge event by you that is coming up.
5.Blogging a lot of web masters use this but it can be quite time consuming and cumbersome.
6.Posting up comments on Forums and blogs this is also widely followed all over the internet as a way of getting backlink traffic. One has to be careful however that what they are doing does not get them banned from forums and other forms of negative feedback.
7.Buying links from a web 2.0 site there are plenty of web 2.0 sites that will gladly sell you links. A down side however comes when such sites are no longer ranked by search engines as a good source of links for their surfers.
8.Becoming an affiliate of a larger already renowned web site.
9.Offering a service to a web site for a link on their web site.
10.Creating a referral scheme this is hard as usually you will have to be offering something very enticing to have somebody just refer your web site to some body else and have them do the same.