What Are The Breast Cancer Symptoms?
Breast cancer is a global problem of women population, and is known by everybody due to its cruel nature. It develops in the most delicate part of women body when growth of cells there becomes uncontrolled. It is possible to develop in both genders men, and women but the risk is higher for women naturally due to different reasons. The most important reason of higher risk for women is the structure of breast in female gender.
Women breasts are mammary glands that are made up of three types of tissues which include glandular tissues, fatty, and connective tissues. The size of women breast is larger than men as well because many functions have o be performed with the help of this body part. The first role breast plays in a woman life to make her attractive and appealing for the opposite sex.
There is not a single woman in world who wants to imagine herself without breast as it is the sign of beauty for her so if this sign of beauty gets affected by a dreadful disease the life of that woman has threat so what is the responsibility of a woman in this situation? It is necessary for women to take care of her breasts in every possible mean so that all functions related to this part of body can be performed well as well as a healthy life can be lead.
Breast cancer awareness is essential for women of all ages because it helps taking good care of breast as well as early detection is possible if a woman is breast aware because she understands what is normal, and what is abnormal for her. Those who are not breast aware dont know exactly how their breast look, and feel normally.
They cant notice abnormal changes immediately because they are not aware of normal changes. It is essential for women to be aware of normal, and abnormal both types of changes because without getting knowledge of both change a woman cant distinguish changes easily.
Some of the commonly observed breast cancer symptoms in women are
Women breasts are mammary glands that are made up of three types of tissues which include glandular tissues, fatty, and connective tissues. The size of women breast is larger than men as well because many functions have o be performed with the help of this body part. The first role breast plays in a woman life to make her attractive and appealing for the opposite sex.
There is not a single woman in world who wants to imagine herself without breast as it is the sign of beauty for her so if this sign of beauty gets affected by a dreadful disease the life of that woman has threat so what is the responsibility of a woman in this situation? It is necessary for women to take care of her breasts in every possible mean so that all functions related to this part of body can be performed well as well as a healthy life can be lead.
Breast cancer awareness is essential for women of all ages because it helps taking good care of breast as well as early detection is possible if a woman is breast aware because she understands what is normal, and what is abnormal for her. Those who are not breast aware dont know exactly how their breast look, and feel normally.
They cant notice abnormal changes immediately because they are not aware of normal changes. It is essential for women to be aware of normal, and abnormal both types of changes because without getting knowledge of both change a woman cant distinguish changes easily.
Some of the commonly observed breast cancer symptoms in women are
- Lump formation in breasts of any kind including small and large lumps is abnormal. It is not necessary that lumps of all types are malignant; however they can be benign as well but immediate check up by the doctor is essential.
Skin changes like dimpling, and appearance of wrinkles on skin is abnormal that should get checked by the doctor because such changes can be due to breast cancer.
Swelling is also abnormal if it is in any part of breast or armpit, and can be due to breast cancer.
Changes in the shape, size or contour of breast is abnormal if it happens due to any unknown reason.
If any change takes place in the position of nipple it is abnormal like inverted, swollen, and scaly nipples are abnormal.
Nipples should be squeezed as well during breast examination because there can be any type of discharge from nipple like bloody, milky, greenish or yellowish, and it is abnormal.
Increased breast temperature is one of the abnormal things that happen in case of inflammatory breast cancer.
Redness of breast is one of the symptoms in case of inflammatory breast cancer.