Cystic Acne Home Remedies
Skin breakouts can occur as painful and itchy inflammations on the skin. This is normally a type of acne referred to as cystic spots. Just as in the regular spots on the skin, this type is caused by swelling of sweat pores as a result of clogging of cells and oils secreted by the body. This disease is very common in teenagers; however this does not mean that it only affects adolescents. The ailment can as well occur in small babies and elderly folks. The disease is not age or gender specific, anybody can get it!
Now that you've got a clue on what the unsightly pimples are and their main origin, let us then look at some remedies that you can apply to get rid of them. A good treatment to start with is turmeric powder, honey and lemon juice. These three common ingredients need only be mixed proportionately to make a fine paste. Use this paste to mask your face for about 30 minutes then wash off with some warm water. Repeat this procedure regularly for about a month for effective results on the skin. The herbal mask helps heal lesions on the skin in a natural way.
You may alternatively rinse your face with another home-made solution of apple cider vinegar and water. These ingredients are readily available in your kitchen. Crush the ingredients together and add some water to make a thin fine paste. Use the paste derived from this concoction to mask you face evenly on the affected part of your skin. You may also add green tea to increase potency of the application. Use this mask on your face for a few weeks and you will soon see the effectiveness of the application.
Aloe vera is mostly used as a skin moisturizer just like other ointments. We can also use this ointment to heal the zits on your face. Simply apply some aloe vera oil on the affected part of the face twice a day. You also may add a few drops of aloe vera juice to a cup of drinking water. This will increase the effectiveness of the cure both internally and externally.
Baking soda serves as another good remedy. Mix some water with some soda ash to make a fine thin paste. You might also add some salt and mix it well, then use it to as a topical application on the affected area. Apply in a circular motion. Leave this mask on your skin for about thirty minutes before washing it out using clean water.
Now that you've got a clue on what the unsightly pimples are and their main origin, let us then look at some remedies that you can apply to get rid of them. A good treatment to start with is turmeric powder, honey and lemon juice. These three common ingredients need only be mixed proportionately to make a fine paste. Use this paste to mask your face for about 30 minutes then wash off with some warm water. Repeat this procedure regularly for about a month for effective results on the skin. The herbal mask helps heal lesions on the skin in a natural way.
You may alternatively rinse your face with another home-made solution of apple cider vinegar and water. These ingredients are readily available in your kitchen. Crush the ingredients together and add some water to make a thin fine paste. Use the paste derived from this concoction to mask you face evenly on the affected part of your skin. You may also add green tea to increase potency of the application. Use this mask on your face for a few weeks and you will soon see the effectiveness of the application.
Aloe vera is mostly used as a skin moisturizer just like other ointments. We can also use this ointment to heal the zits on your face. Simply apply some aloe vera oil on the affected part of the face twice a day. You also may add a few drops of aloe vera juice to a cup of drinking water. This will increase the effectiveness of the cure both internally and externally.
Baking soda serves as another good remedy. Mix some water with some soda ash to make a fine thin paste. You might also add some salt and mix it well, then use it to as a topical application on the affected area. Apply in a circular motion. Leave this mask on your skin for about thirty minutes before washing it out using clean water.