Healthy Dieting:Rules To Eat By
The first step toward improved health is to eat fresh, clean, whole foods foods in their natural state that have not been commercially processed. Sounds simple enough, but, sadly, eating a good diet,' or even knowing just what constitutes one, is not simple at all in today's fast food' world.
The following list will outline the rules of a good basic diet, one which will help prevent, not treat, disease though adhering to these dietary principles may well result in the disappearance of some unpleasant symptoms. These general dietary recommendations in the form of foods may improve digestion and elimination, and help you lose weight and achieve vibrant health with a clearer mind.
Choose organically grown fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
Avoid commercial meats and dairy products. Choose meat and dairy products from animals raised without the use of steroids and antibiotics.
Avoid commercial eggs. Choose fertile' ones, laid by free-range' chickens.
Add mineral-rich sea vegetables, like dulse, kelp, arame to your diet. These are good protein and mineral sources.
Substitute unrefined for refined oils.
Assume the squatting posture when having a bowel movement by propping your feet on a phone book or a Life Step' when eliminating.
Eliminate margarine. Substitute butter. Cook and bake with it or with coconut oil or olive oil.
Use flax oil on foods or in blender drinks. Do not apply heat to this oil.
Avoid refined carbohydrates white sugar and flour products. Use whole grains instead, and minimize their use.
Favor the gluten-free grains: brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat.
Drink and cook with purified water to which minerals have been added. Do not put tap water in your body. Use a shower filter for showers and baths.
Avoid canned and bottled juices. Make your own fresh juices go lightly on the fruit juices; favor vegetable juices.
Clean your fruits and vegetables (and meats too) by soaking them in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in a basin of water, or use a special veggie wash' solution.
Avoid all products containing hydrogenated oils or trans fat commercial baked goods, shortenings, margarine, peanut butter and processed cheeses.
Read labels! Avoid or minimize use of foods with chemical additives.
Substitute stevia or lo han for other sweeteners.
Drink an 8-ounce glass of water with lemon juice (to taste) each morning upon rising and each evening before retiring.
Drink 1/2 ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily (a 100-pound person drinks 50-ounces).
Eliminate sodas, especially diet sodas.
Avoid artificial sweeteners.
Reduce intake of alcohol.
Stop smoking.
Reduce or eliminate coffee; use organic brews.
Use herbal teas freely.
Never cook in aluminum. Use cast iron, glass or stainless steel.
Gradually increase the amount of raw foods you eat.
Soak nuts, seeds, and grains in water overnight.
Chew well!
Refrigerate oils and grains except for coconut oil.
No deep fat frying.
Use conventional cooking methods in preference to microwave ovens.
Eat fruits by themselves.
Do not combine proteins and starchy carbohydrates at the same meal.
The following list will outline the rules of a good basic diet, one which will help prevent, not treat, disease though adhering to these dietary principles may well result in the disappearance of some unpleasant symptoms. These general dietary recommendations in the form of foods may improve digestion and elimination, and help you lose weight and achieve vibrant health with a clearer mind.
Choose organically grown fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
Avoid commercial meats and dairy products. Choose meat and dairy products from animals raised without the use of steroids and antibiotics.
Avoid commercial eggs. Choose fertile' ones, laid by free-range' chickens.
Add mineral-rich sea vegetables, like dulse, kelp, arame to your diet. These are good protein and mineral sources.
Substitute unrefined for refined oils.
Assume the squatting posture when having a bowel movement by propping your feet on a phone book or a Life Step' when eliminating.
Eliminate margarine. Substitute butter. Cook and bake with it or with coconut oil or olive oil.
Use flax oil on foods or in blender drinks. Do not apply heat to this oil.
Avoid refined carbohydrates white sugar and flour products. Use whole grains instead, and minimize their use.
Favor the gluten-free grains: brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat.
Drink and cook with purified water to which minerals have been added. Do not put tap water in your body. Use a shower filter for showers and baths.
Avoid canned and bottled juices. Make your own fresh juices go lightly on the fruit juices; favor vegetable juices.
Clean your fruits and vegetables (and meats too) by soaking them in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in a basin of water, or use a special veggie wash' solution.
Avoid all products containing hydrogenated oils or trans fat commercial baked goods, shortenings, margarine, peanut butter and processed cheeses.
Read labels! Avoid or minimize use of foods with chemical additives.
Substitute stevia or lo han for other sweeteners.
Drink an 8-ounce glass of water with lemon juice (to taste) each morning upon rising and each evening before retiring.
Drink 1/2 ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily (a 100-pound person drinks 50-ounces).
Eliminate sodas, especially diet sodas.
Avoid artificial sweeteners.
Reduce intake of alcohol.
Stop smoking.
Reduce or eliminate coffee; use organic brews.
Use herbal teas freely.
Never cook in aluminum. Use cast iron, glass or stainless steel.
Gradually increase the amount of raw foods you eat.
Soak nuts, seeds, and grains in water overnight.
Chew well!
Refrigerate oils and grains except for coconut oil.
No deep fat frying.
Use conventional cooking methods in preference to microwave ovens.
Eat fruits by themselves.
Do not combine proteins and starchy carbohydrates at the same meal.