How Do I Use a Corel Draw Image as a Logo on eBay?
- 1). After selecting an image, click Corel Draw's "File" menu and then click "Save As."
- 2). Click the "Desktop" entry on the left side of the "Save As" dialog box to set the directory to save to.
- 3). Click the drop-down box to the left of the "Save as type" entry. Select ".jpg" from the list of choices. Click "OK."
- 4). Start your Web browser, and navigate to your image host by entering its URL into the address bar and pressing "Enter."
- 5). Click the "Browse" button located on your image host's Web page.
- 6). Click the "Desktop" entry on the left side of the Windows Explorer window that opens.
- 7). Double-click the image that you saved previously.
- 8). Enter a name for your image in the space provided by your image host, and then click "Upload."
- 9). Double-click within the box labelled "URL" so that the entire URL is highlighted in blue. Press "Ctrl" and "C" at the same time to copy it.
- 1). Navigate to eBay by entering "" into your Web browser's address bar and pressing "Enter." Click the gray "My eBay" link in the upper-right side of the page.
- 2). Enter your user name and password in the space provided, and click "Sign In." Click "Manage my Store" when the "My eBay" page loads.
- 3). Point the mouse cursor to the "Store Design" header located on the left side of the page. Click "Display Settings," and then point the mouse cursor to the "Basic Information" header. Click "Change."
- 4). Point the mouse cursor to the "Store Logo" header located in the bottom-half of the page, and then select the "Use my own logo located at the following URL" option.
- 5). Click within the white box that appears below this option, and then press "Ctrl" and "V" at the same time to paste your image's URL into it. Click the large "Save Settings" button.
Saving Your Image and Uploading It to a Host
Uploading Your Logo to eBay