How to Write a Poem Explication
- 1). Read the poem. Sometimes it helps if you read the poem silently and then out loud. This will give you an understanding of the basic elements of the poem.
- 2). Determine the dramatic structure. Try to figure out who the speaker in the poem is, what the speaker is talking about, why the speaker is telling this story, when the speaker is telling the story and where the story is taking place.
- 3). Decide what type of poem it is. Poetry has many sub-genres. These can include: haiku, which is comprised of 17 syllables split into 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line and 5 syllables on the third line; sonnet, which has 17 lines and is in iambic pentameter; and dramatic, which tells a story from the speaker's perspective. Determining the type will help to understand the meaning and other traits.
- 4). Determine what the poem is about. Determine the plot, if it has one, or the subject. Many poems describe a specific object or idea in an interesting way. Determining what the poem is about will help when you analyze particular parts of the poem.
- 5). Analyze the details. Why does the poet choose the use of this word or another? Does the poem rhyme? What is the rhythm? Are there any symbols? Metaphors? Motifs? These are some of the questions you may ask about the poem. Be thorough and analyze every aspect. People can make the mistake of ignoring parts because they seem insignificant. The truth is that poetry must convey something in a few words, so every word choice is important.
- 6). Write your analysis in an organized fashion. Like writing an essay, make a strong opening statement that gives your view of the poem and then talk about the specifics.