Yoga Flexibility Exercises
- Improve your flexibility with yoga poses.Yoga image by Yvonne Bogdanski from
Yoga can greatly increase your flexibility as the majority of poses are aimed at that goal, but when you are beginning to stretch out your body it is often best to work on the three tightest areas of the body: the hamstrings, hips and shoulders. By concentrating on these three areas you will build a strong, flexible base for other, more advanced yoga postures. - This yoga pose, also known as Padangusthasana, increases the flexibility of your hips and hamstrings. In a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the hips and reach down toward the floor. You should strive to reach your toes with your torso touching your thighs. Slide your fingers around your big toes and grip them tightly to secure your position if you can. Hold for 30 seconds before bringing yourself up to standing again.
- Baddha Konasana, or the bound angle pose, stretches and rotates the hips. Sitting with your legs out straight, bend your knees and pull them gently toward your groin. Allow your knees to drop to the side as you press the soles of your feet together. Grasp your feet and gently pull them toward your groin once more. Hold this pose for as long as you feel comfortable. Yoga Journal suggests that you should not force your knees to the floor.
- The cow face pose provides a stretch to the hips and shoulder, improving the flexibility in those tight areas. Sitting with your legs in front of you, curl your left leg under the right knee so the foot is next to the right hip and then cross your right leg over the left, bending and placing so the knee is on top of the other. Grasp your hands behind your back, one from the top and one from the bottom, and then feel the stretch. Stay in this pose for approximately 1 minute, breathing naturally.
Big Toe Pose
Bound Angle Pose
Cow Face Pose