Vehicle Activated Warning Signs at Intersections
- Red light cameras can capture speeders.traffic lights. image by Roman White from
Vehicle-triggered warning devices are valuable tools used throughout the nation to alert drivers. Whether it is a speed zone, dangerous curve or other issue looming ahead, understanding the various types of devices and their purpose can help you be the safest driver possible. - Throughout the nation, law enforcement agencies use speed indication devices that are vehicle-activated and provide a warning to those who are traveling too quickly. Typically, the device is positioned near the side of the road, facing oncoming traffic. As the vehicle approaches the device, it is triggered to record the speed. The speed is then displayed in red numbers on the device board. This gives the driver an indication whether he is traveling above the posted speed limit, and he can adjust as needed. The device also serves as a deterrent for drivers who may not pay attention to their speeds until they see it recorded on the device. As soon as the driver passes the device, the digital display is removed and it waits for the next vehicle to approach and activate its sensors.
- For bicyclists who travel busy roads and highways, the cycle-activated warning sign can be a life saver. As cyclists approach an intersection, curve or other area of roadway where the device is installed, they trigger its activation. A digital display warns vehicle drivers that a cyclist is in the area. The purpose of the device is to remind drivers to practice additional caution when a cyclist approaches.
- With vehicle-activated curve warnings, the driver approaching a blind curve or an exceptionally sharp curve will trigger a lighted sign that warns her of the looming danger ahead. This is especially good for drivers not from the area who may not have encountered the particular curve before. The device can also remind local drivers of the curve so they do not become complacent and take the curve too quickly.
Speed Indication Devices
Cyclist Warning Device
Curve Warning Signal