2008 Unwed Father's Visitation Rights in Tennesee
- Under 36-6-301 the non-custodial parent may request visitation, and the court shall honor the request, making provisions for the allocation of holidays and special occasions.
- Under 36-6-301 the Court may prohibit, or order supervised visitation, in cases where the court finds that the requesting parent has physically or mentally abused the child, until such time as there is no reasonable chance of such abuse occurring.
- Under 36-6-305 there is a chance that a court, finding domestic abuse or a criminal conviction for domestic abuse will order mediation by a trained specialist. Mediation must be agreed upon by both parties. For a parent that is facing such a situation, it is advisable he agrees to mediation and participate actively in order to increase the likelihood of a court granting child visitation.
Requesting Visitation
Ground for Visitation Denial