Balloon Twisting - A Beginner"s Guide
Have you watched a Balloon Twister at work in a bar or at a party and thought: 'I could do that.
' Well, you can - provided you have the guidance of a Balloon Twisting or Modelling master who has committed his secrets to video.
Under his tuition, you can learn the fundamentals in minutes and, if you have ambition to become a professional entertainer, you can gradually progress to advanced skill levels with easy-to-follow instructions.
Special modelling balloons are used in the Balloon Twisting art of sculpting a multitude of shapes that are frequently, but not exclusively, animals.
Over the years, Twisters have tended to dispense with the practice of using their own lungs to inflate balloons, however.
Now, on health, hygiene and other grounds, many use a hand pump, an electric pump that runs on batteries or can be plugged in, or perhaps a compressed gas tank of air or nitrogen - usually not helium as the balloons are too porous.
Without getting over-technical about the selection of coloured balloons you'll need, suffice it to say that there is a variety of sizes with the most common being a 260 (about two inches in diameter and 60 inches long).
Single Balloon Twisting, which speaks for itself, and Multiple Balloon Modelling, also self-explanatory, are two of the leading design styles which come with their own skills and challenges, although it is rare that an experienced Twister will restrict himself to a single style.
For the novice, the video guide will ideally offer a wide range of designs to tackle and, if you're really lucky, there could be bonuses such as one-to-one e-mail support for the initial learning period.
Your reward for mastery of the art of Balloon Twisting could be financial if you are considering a new career...
or maybe you just want to do your bit for charity or a good cause and get your satisfaction from the looks of delight on the faces of a young audience.
Put yourself in the hands of an expert video trainer and realise your ambition.
' Well, you can - provided you have the guidance of a Balloon Twisting or Modelling master who has committed his secrets to video.
Under his tuition, you can learn the fundamentals in minutes and, if you have ambition to become a professional entertainer, you can gradually progress to advanced skill levels with easy-to-follow instructions.
Special modelling balloons are used in the Balloon Twisting art of sculpting a multitude of shapes that are frequently, but not exclusively, animals.
Over the years, Twisters have tended to dispense with the practice of using their own lungs to inflate balloons, however.
Now, on health, hygiene and other grounds, many use a hand pump, an electric pump that runs on batteries or can be plugged in, or perhaps a compressed gas tank of air or nitrogen - usually not helium as the balloons are too porous.
Without getting over-technical about the selection of coloured balloons you'll need, suffice it to say that there is a variety of sizes with the most common being a 260 (about two inches in diameter and 60 inches long).
Single Balloon Twisting, which speaks for itself, and Multiple Balloon Modelling, also self-explanatory, are two of the leading design styles which come with their own skills and challenges, although it is rare that an experienced Twister will restrict himself to a single style.
For the novice, the video guide will ideally offer a wide range of designs to tackle and, if you're really lucky, there could be bonuses such as one-to-one e-mail support for the initial learning period.
Your reward for mastery of the art of Balloon Twisting could be financial if you are considering a new career...
or maybe you just want to do your bit for charity or a good cause and get your satisfaction from the looks of delight on the faces of a young audience.
Put yourself in the hands of an expert video trainer and realise your ambition.