Adobe Writer Tutorial
- The beauty of the Acrobat Writer is that it can convert any type of document, no matter what the format, into a document that anyone with access to the Internet will be able to use. The popular Adobe Reader is available at no cost at, so even users who do not have it installed on their PCs will be able to get it quickly. That means that the PDF documents you create can be opened by any user, no matter what kind of software they have--or don't have--on their PCs.
In order to convert a document, first open that source document in whatever program was used to create it. It does not matter if that document is a Word file, an Excel spreadsheet or even an image file. Once the document is open, just click "File" and select "Print," then choose the "PDF Writer" printer from the drop-down box. Then give your file a name and wait for it to open. - After you have created your PDF document, it is important to review it carefully to make sure all the formatting and special characters from the source document have converted properly. While Acrobat Writer is generally very good at converting any type of document, the program can sometimes be tripped up by unusual fonts or improperly formatted tables. If you do see any of these problems it is a good idea to go back to your source document, make a few changes and write the file to a PDF again.
- Since the purpose of creating a PDF document is to allow users with only the free Acrobat Reader to use it, it is very important to open your finished PDF with that reader. The easiest way is to open Acrobat Reader first, click "File," choose "Open" and navigate to the file. If you simply double-click on the PDF from Windows Explorer, your computer may automatically use the Adobe Acrobat Writer to open it.
Once the file has been opened with the free reader, it is important to read through it carefully. Be sure that the file looks just as good with the free reader as it does with the full version of Adobe Acrobat.
Open your source document
Review your document
Open your document with Adobe Reader