Top Blogger Widgets to Enhance User Experience
If you have a blog for your business, you will want to increase the amount of traffic that you attract.
What are the best widgets that you can use? How many widgets do you need to use?...
and where should you get them from? I have written more than one blog before.
When you first start your blog, you need to brand yourself and not your company.
My main blog is just about providing my readership with great content that I find around the internet.
As well as that, I try to keep my readership up-to-date with my own news.
If you are into internet marketing and want to learn more, feel free to check out my blog.
You will find the address at the end of the article.
The widgets that I find most useful are language translation.
If you see my blog, you will see an option below my photo for the blog to be translated into any of around 40 languages.
I find it is important to be able to provide content that is user-friendly universally.
Then, if someone in Asia wants to visit my blog, there is a chance that they may be able to translate the blog into a language that they can understand better than English and that they will be impressed and benefited by such an experience.
There are also social bookmarking widgets.
I find that options to have my blog spread virally through Twitter, Facebook, Delicious and many more a very useful option and one that will yield high returns just by having the facilities for people to spread the word through.
The RSS is a vital part of anyone's blog and without them, people wouldn't be keeping up-to-date with them as much as they would be if they weren't there.
If someone is signed up to your RSS, they will be able to access your blog daily.
Another good facility that is available now through the RSS feed is the email notification box.
When people sign up to the email notification, people will be emailed whenever you write a new post and so they have a higher chance of keeping up with you.
The widgets I have mentioned above are the most vital you can have.
Other features you will have on your blog will include your photograph, which is in itself important.
It's nice to see the person behind the text - no matter how attractive you find them.
Then there is a list of your latest blog posts, some categories, archives, maybe a list of favourite blogs or / and websites that you really appreciate.
The best place to get your widgets from (I find) is Widgetbox.
They have some awesome widgets available, but I don't recommend you search through them all because for a blog, only the widgets I have listed above are necessary.
To get a membership with Widgetbox is very reasonable and it is highly recommended and appreciated by many, many bloggers and webmasters out there in cyberspace.
If you are using Widgetbox, you need to use blogger.
com (if you are only running a free blog).
This advice will cost you many frustrating hours of looking for a free blog provider who accept Widgetbox widgets.
What are the best widgets that you can use? How many widgets do you need to use?...
and where should you get them from? I have written more than one blog before.
When you first start your blog, you need to brand yourself and not your company.
My main blog is just about providing my readership with great content that I find around the internet.
As well as that, I try to keep my readership up-to-date with my own news.
If you are into internet marketing and want to learn more, feel free to check out my blog.
You will find the address at the end of the article.
The widgets that I find most useful are language translation.
If you see my blog, you will see an option below my photo for the blog to be translated into any of around 40 languages.
I find it is important to be able to provide content that is user-friendly universally.
Then, if someone in Asia wants to visit my blog, there is a chance that they may be able to translate the blog into a language that they can understand better than English and that they will be impressed and benefited by such an experience.
There are also social bookmarking widgets.
I find that options to have my blog spread virally through Twitter, Facebook, Delicious and many more a very useful option and one that will yield high returns just by having the facilities for people to spread the word through.
The RSS is a vital part of anyone's blog and without them, people wouldn't be keeping up-to-date with them as much as they would be if they weren't there.
If someone is signed up to your RSS, they will be able to access your blog daily.
Another good facility that is available now through the RSS feed is the email notification box.
When people sign up to the email notification, people will be emailed whenever you write a new post and so they have a higher chance of keeping up with you.
The widgets I have mentioned above are the most vital you can have.
Other features you will have on your blog will include your photograph, which is in itself important.
It's nice to see the person behind the text - no matter how attractive you find them.
Then there is a list of your latest blog posts, some categories, archives, maybe a list of favourite blogs or / and websites that you really appreciate.
The best place to get your widgets from (I find) is Widgetbox.
They have some awesome widgets available, but I don't recommend you search through them all because for a blog, only the widgets I have listed above are necessary.
To get a membership with Widgetbox is very reasonable and it is highly recommended and appreciated by many, many bloggers and webmasters out there in cyberspace.
If you are using Widgetbox, you need to use blogger.
com (if you are only running a free blog).
This advice will cost you many frustrating hours of looking for a free blog provider who accept Widgetbox widgets.