You Need a Blog!
The fact that you are reading this message tells me that you know enough about the Internet to be able to do this.
You can read this message at the same time as you do this.
Simply click on the tab to the right of the last one in your browser and open a new window.
Then grab hold of that tab and "pull" it away from the rest of them.
When you let go of the mouse, it may even fill your screen.
If that happens, then just reduce the size of the screen.
You can do that by clicking the little window that's between the minimize button and the white X in the red square.
in the top right corner of your browser.
Then go back to the page that has this message in it, and do the same thing for it.
After that, you can move the two windows so that they're side by side.
I do this quite often, not just with browser windows, but also with documents.
Of course I prefer to use additional monitors, but sometimes that's not possible.
To set-up a blog, we recommend that you use WordPress.
It's probably the most popular, and therefore best supported, blogging platform on the Web, and there are thousands of plugins available, most of them free, that will enable you to tailor your site according to what you want it to do.
So, go to wordpress.
org and download the software.
Be sure that you get the URL correct.
There is another company that has exactly the same URL except for the last part.
Their site is .
com, but the one you want is .
The next thing is to choose a theme.
We prefer that you use a reflexive theme.
That's simply so that regardless of the device that people are using, they will be able to see your site entirely on their screen.
In other words, your screen will automatically adjust itself according to the "real estate" available on your device, whether it's 24-inch screen or a smartphone.
That said, there are so many themes to choose from, that it may be quicker to use the one that appeals to you.
When you join our coaching program, we'll help you sort out the layout and the themes.
But for now, choose a reflexive theme if you can, or just choose one that you like.
And by the way, themes can be changed easily, though your text, pictures, videos, etc will probably get moved around a bit.
You also want to choose a domain name that everyone will remember.
And given the number of them on the Internet, you shouldn't be too surprised if the one you wanted has already been snatched up.
But think of it like this.
Those are the obvious ones.
With a bit of thought, you'll probably come up with something that's much better.
So there's no reason to be discouraged if your first choice is unavailable.
One clever way to to think of a phrase that expresses your niche perfectly.
For example, suppose that your niche is raising Koi.
If you've never heard of this, it's a large, multi-coloured fish that's common to oriental gardens.
In this case, your domain name might be raisingkoi.
And you can see from that name, that there's no doubt as to what your niche is.
Another way to do that would be to hyphenate it, and that's what WordPress does for all of your posts.
But I'll explain that in a minute.
But you'll probably find that hyphenation will improve your chances of getting the domain name that you want.
Another thing that you want to be sure to do is to get a .
com address.
Other addresses will probably be cheaper, but a dot-com URL carries more authority, not only with your visitors, but also with the search engines.
The next thing you want to do is to set up your permalinks.
Permalinks change the link to your article from yourdomainname.
com/12345678 to yourdomainname.
So you can see right away that this some that's quite important to do.
To make this change, log into the Dashboard of your WordPress blog - you see, you already have a blog - click on Settings, and then select Permalinks.
Click on the radio button named Post Name, and Save Changes.
That's all you have to do.
Then every time you want to write a new post, just open up your Dashboard, click Pages, and then select New Page.
You can write whatever you like.
When you've finished, press the Update button on the right side of your screen.
This will save your post, too.
Then at the top of the page, click the button called View Page.
This will take you to your browser, and you'll be able to see what it looks like to the rest of the world.
You can read this message at the same time as you do this.
Simply click on the tab to the right of the last one in your browser and open a new window.
Then grab hold of that tab and "pull" it away from the rest of them.
When you let go of the mouse, it may even fill your screen.
If that happens, then just reduce the size of the screen.
You can do that by clicking the little window that's between the minimize button and the white X in the red square.
in the top right corner of your browser.
Then go back to the page that has this message in it, and do the same thing for it.
After that, you can move the two windows so that they're side by side.
I do this quite often, not just with browser windows, but also with documents.
Of course I prefer to use additional monitors, but sometimes that's not possible.
To set-up a blog, we recommend that you use WordPress.
It's probably the most popular, and therefore best supported, blogging platform on the Web, and there are thousands of plugins available, most of them free, that will enable you to tailor your site according to what you want it to do.
So, go to wordpress.
org and download the software.
Be sure that you get the URL correct.
There is another company that has exactly the same URL except for the last part.
Their site is .
com, but the one you want is .
The next thing is to choose a theme.
We prefer that you use a reflexive theme.
That's simply so that regardless of the device that people are using, they will be able to see your site entirely on their screen.
In other words, your screen will automatically adjust itself according to the "real estate" available on your device, whether it's 24-inch screen or a smartphone.
That said, there are so many themes to choose from, that it may be quicker to use the one that appeals to you.
When you join our coaching program, we'll help you sort out the layout and the themes.
But for now, choose a reflexive theme if you can, or just choose one that you like.
And by the way, themes can be changed easily, though your text, pictures, videos, etc will probably get moved around a bit.
You also want to choose a domain name that everyone will remember.
And given the number of them on the Internet, you shouldn't be too surprised if the one you wanted has already been snatched up.
But think of it like this.
Those are the obvious ones.
With a bit of thought, you'll probably come up with something that's much better.
So there's no reason to be discouraged if your first choice is unavailable.
One clever way to to think of a phrase that expresses your niche perfectly.
For example, suppose that your niche is raising Koi.
If you've never heard of this, it's a large, multi-coloured fish that's common to oriental gardens.
In this case, your domain name might be raisingkoi.
And you can see from that name, that there's no doubt as to what your niche is.
Another way to do that would be to hyphenate it, and that's what WordPress does for all of your posts.
But I'll explain that in a minute.
But you'll probably find that hyphenation will improve your chances of getting the domain name that you want.
Another thing that you want to be sure to do is to get a .
com address.
Other addresses will probably be cheaper, but a dot-com URL carries more authority, not only with your visitors, but also with the search engines.
The next thing you want to do is to set up your permalinks.
Permalinks change the link to your article from yourdomainname.
com/12345678 to yourdomainname.
So you can see right away that this some that's quite important to do.
To make this change, log into the Dashboard of your WordPress blog - you see, you already have a blog - click on Settings, and then select Permalinks.
Click on the radio button named Post Name, and Save Changes.
That's all you have to do.
Then every time you want to write a new post, just open up your Dashboard, click Pages, and then select New Page.
You can write whatever you like.
When you've finished, press the Update button on the right side of your screen.
This will save your post, too.
Then at the top of the page, click the button called View Page.
This will take you to your browser, and you'll be able to see what it looks like to the rest of the world.