10 Exercising Tips During Pregnancy
Pregnant women also need some exercise, but there are limitations to observe because of their special condition.
For many who were used to having an active lifestyle before they got pregnant, changing their exercise patterns may take a little bit of getting used to.
The good news is there are still many ways to stay active even if you are pregnant.
Here is some helpful information about exercising when pregnant: 1.
Changes in the level of the hormones will affect the ligaments around the joints, the pelvis and lower back areas.
Different muscles will be used and as months progress, the centre of gravity will also change for pregnant women.
A ten- to fifteen-minute daily walk will help avoid the discomfort and pain these changes bring.
Keeping a good posture even as the bump grows bigger will help prevent aches and other body pains.
Try leaning straight back against a chair with a good back support or practice standing straight against a wall to avoid the habit of arching the back too often.
Good posture also helps balance the body even with the added load in the tummy.
Indulge in moderate and simple exercises such as swimming and walking because these help the body produce tranquillising chemicals that induce relaxation and relief from stress and anxiety.
Exercise boosts better blood circulation for both mother and child since healthy levels of oxygen are released.
Ask around if there is an exercise trainer who has special exercise regimen for pregnant women that will focus on building stamina, flexibility and strength as these will be most helpful during delivery period.
If physical exercises seem too inconvenient or uncomfortable, you can always try meditation exercises such as yoga which is excellent when it comes to breathing, stretching and flexibility that can ease the pain and discomfort during delivery.
Aqua natal is another exercise alternative that is good for pregnant women who want to engage in slow and gentle motion exercises.
The water is especially helpful in keeping the weight off the bump during exercise.
Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after the exercise.
Choose comfortable places for your daily exercises.
Hot or humid environments are not good if you are pregnant.
Pregnancy has its own limitations, so if fainting, nausea, or any discomfort in any parts of the body is felt during exercise, stop immediately and take a rest.
If the discomfort persists for a few more minutes even after resting, see a doctor.
It is also a known fact that women who have been used to having an active lifestyle before they became pregnant will find it easier to engage in exercises, moderate ones at this point, when they get pregnant.
Another benefit is that losing weight right after child birth is easier for those who used to exercise.
Exercising during pregnancy is an advantage for women as it will actually make child birth easier as their muscles, especially around the pelvic and lower back areas, are conditioned to be less tense.
This makes contraction during the labour period manageable and the actual delivery, less of a hassle.
For many who were used to having an active lifestyle before they got pregnant, changing their exercise patterns may take a little bit of getting used to.
The good news is there are still many ways to stay active even if you are pregnant.
Here is some helpful information about exercising when pregnant: 1.
Changes in the level of the hormones will affect the ligaments around the joints, the pelvis and lower back areas.
Different muscles will be used and as months progress, the centre of gravity will also change for pregnant women.
A ten- to fifteen-minute daily walk will help avoid the discomfort and pain these changes bring.
Keeping a good posture even as the bump grows bigger will help prevent aches and other body pains.
Try leaning straight back against a chair with a good back support or practice standing straight against a wall to avoid the habit of arching the back too often.
Good posture also helps balance the body even with the added load in the tummy.
Indulge in moderate and simple exercises such as swimming and walking because these help the body produce tranquillising chemicals that induce relaxation and relief from stress and anxiety.
Exercise boosts better blood circulation for both mother and child since healthy levels of oxygen are released.
Ask around if there is an exercise trainer who has special exercise regimen for pregnant women that will focus on building stamina, flexibility and strength as these will be most helpful during delivery period.
If physical exercises seem too inconvenient or uncomfortable, you can always try meditation exercises such as yoga which is excellent when it comes to breathing, stretching and flexibility that can ease the pain and discomfort during delivery.
Aqua natal is another exercise alternative that is good for pregnant women who want to engage in slow and gentle motion exercises.
The water is especially helpful in keeping the weight off the bump during exercise.
Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after the exercise.
Choose comfortable places for your daily exercises.
Hot or humid environments are not good if you are pregnant.
Pregnancy has its own limitations, so if fainting, nausea, or any discomfort in any parts of the body is felt during exercise, stop immediately and take a rest.
If the discomfort persists for a few more minutes even after resting, see a doctor.
It is also a known fact that women who have been used to having an active lifestyle before they became pregnant will find it easier to engage in exercises, moderate ones at this point, when they get pregnant.
Another benefit is that losing weight right after child birth is easier for those who used to exercise.
Exercising during pregnancy is an advantage for women as it will actually make child birth easier as their muscles, especially around the pelvic and lower back areas, are conditioned to be less tense.
This makes contraction during the labour period manageable and the actual delivery, less of a hassle.