Stiletto High Heels complete a womans outfit
Stiletto high heels complete a womans outfit, particularly when the heels are 4, 5 or 6 inches high. Stiletto high heels complete a womans outfit whether it be a sexy dress or mini skirt, sexy costume or jeans.
Stiletto high heels or simply stiletto's are the same way of describing one of a womans best weapons in the fashion wars she wages each and every day. Like all good things they have their detractors who believe that high heels are evil. Stiletto's are loved by many and loathed by others as it is with any high heels they make a woman's legs look heavenly but also cause her pain and suffering when worn for a protracted period of time.
How can a fashion accessory such as a shoe be the source of such controversy? How can a simple shoe provoke such polarization among women and men alike? The truth is that part of what makes a pair of stiletto's so dramatic also make it so devisive drawing its proponents and detractors at the same time.
Stiletto high heels elongate a womans legs and due to the contorted angle of her foot, particularly in the higher heel heights, make her legs look more toned and sexy. Few will disagree that the wearing of these shoes help make a womans legs sexy and desirable and many women won't venture outside the house without her trusty pair of shoes. Perched precariously on those spike heels seems to be an act of magic. It is all good until you start looking at the statistics concerning how these shoes affect a womans ankle and legs as well as her back.
If you read online about how women feel about their shoes you will find a large number of women who refuse to wear these shoes and rail about the negative effects of these contraptions. Most women fall into one camp or the other based upon personal experience. All this over her shoes and the heel heights that she choses. So what is a woman to do.
Well, common sense must rule the day, particularly for women who wear the shoes for an increase in height as well as the sexual aspect of how they make her legs look. First she must consider the height of her heels as the higher the heel, the greater the risk as well as the liklihood of foot, leg and back problems. A woman can get a heel from as low as 3 inches to as high as 6 inches. While there are higher heels in the range of 7 or 8 inches these are generally left to the platform shoes that while they offer extremely high heels they also elevate her entire foot reducing the angle of her foot relative to her heel which can cause serious fatigue as well as injury.
Many women have taken themselves out of the argument as they refuse to wear high heels regardless of how high her heels might be. These women have been lost to the other side due to foot and leg pain, injury or simply having lost what interest they may have had in wearing heels. For those we offer no solutions as no woman should have to wear shoes that she does not love. For the other women there is still hope and a couple of hints might allow her to have her heels and wear them too.
1. Keep your heels to 3 inches as they will have relatively little impact on your comfort and health. 3 inch heels are technically high but at the low end of the scale. Wearing this heel height will still have some evidence of pain at the end of the day but likely tolerable. While these don't have the sex appeal of say a 4 or 5 inch heel, they can make good to very good heels to wear to work in a professional office as they are heels simply not as obvious as higher heels.
2. Wear your high heels on carpet, not concrete or asphalt. In other words wear them at work, not to work. Wear tennis shoes, regardless of how goofy you might think they appear. Try to stay off you feet as much as possiblel and consider wearing some tennis shoes or slippers while indoors if that is possible. While the 4 or 5 inch heels are sexy, professional and stylish, consider how you will feel at the end of the day as you plop down on the couch rubbing your dogs.
3. Consider wearing a pair of hidden platforms that will mask the platform and give you the height while not compromising your fashion sense or stylishness. Since the platform offers you a wedge under the toes you are given a 1, 2 or even 3 inch increase in height but again the angle of your foot is not severe and fatigue likely won't set in.
4. Be adventurous! When buying your next pair of shoes really go shopping for variations that you can wear and enjoy wearing that offer styling as well as heel height. Find out what it means to be a shopper. You will likely surprise yourself what can be worn and hopefully find some surprises. Also consider sole inserts, pads and other wonders that were invented for women to ease the problem of wearing shoes that make you love the way you look and hate the way you feel.
While these suggestions are not the final word on sexy high heels, they do attempt to make it easier and more comfortable to wear the shoes you like without risking your health.
Stiletto high heels or simply stiletto's are the same way of describing one of a womans best weapons in the fashion wars she wages each and every day. Like all good things they have their detractors who believe that high heels are evil. Stiletto's are loved by many and loathed by others as it is with any high heels they make a woman's legs look heavenly but also cause her pain and suffering when worn for a protracted period of time.
How can a fashion accessory such as a shoe be the source of such controversy? How can a simple shoe provoke such polarization among women and men alike? The truth is that part of what makes a pair of stiletto's so dramatic also make it so devisive drawing its proponents and detractors at the same time.
Stiletto high heels elongate a womans legs and due to the contorted angle of her foot, particularly in the higher heel heights, make her legs look more toned and sexy. Few will disagree that the wearing of these shoes help make a womans legs sexy and desirable and many women won't venture outside the house without her trusty pair of shoes. Perched precariously on those spike heels seems to be an act of magic. It is all good until you start looking at the statistics concerning how these shoes affect a womans ankle and legs as well as her back.
If you read online about how women feel about their shoes you will find a large number of women who refuse to wear these shoes and rail about the negative effects of these contraptions. Most women fall into one camp or the other based upon personal experience. All this over her shoes and the heel heights that she choses. So what is a woman to do.
Well, common sense must rule the day, particularly for women who wear the shoes for an increase in height as well as the sexual aspect of how they make her legs look. First she must consider the height of her heels as the higher the heel, the greater the risk as well as the liklihood of foot, leg and back problems. A woman can get a heel from as low as 3 inches to as high as 6 inches. While there are higher heels in the range of 7 or 8 inches these are generally left to the platform shoes that while they offer extremely high heels they also elevate her entire foot reducing the angle of her foot relative to her heel which can cause serious fatigue as well as injury.
Many women have taken themselves out of the argument as they refuse to wear high heels regardless of how high her heels might be. These women have been lost to the other side due to foot and leg pain, injury or simply having lost what interest they may have had in wearing heels. For those we offer no solutions as no woman should have to wear shoes that she does not love. For the other women there is still hope and a couple of hints might allow her to have her heels and wear them too.
1. Keep your heels to 3 inches as they will have relatively little impact on your comfort and health. 3 inch heels are technically high but at the low end of the scale. Wearing this heel height will still have some evidence of pain at the end of the day but likely tolerable. While these don't have the sex appeal of say a 4 or 5 inch heel, they can make good to very good heels to wear to work in a professional office as they are heels simply not as obvious as higher heels.
2. Wear your high heels on carpet, not concrete or asphalt. In other words wear them at work, not to work. Wear tennis shoes, regardless of how goofy you might think they appear. Try to stay off you feet as much as possiblel and consider wearing some tennis shoes or slippers while indoors if that is possible. While the 4 or 5 inch heels are sexy, professional and stylish, consider how you will feel at the end of the day as you plop down on the couch rubbing your dogs.
3. Consider wearing a pair of hidden platforms that will mask the platform and give you the height while not compromising your fashion sense or stylishness. Since the platform offers you a wedge under the toes you are given a 1, 2 or even 3 inch increase in height but again the angle of your foot is not severe and fatigue likely won't set in.
4. Be adventurous! When buying your next pair of shoes really go shopping for variations that you can wear and enjoy wearing that offer styling as well as heel height. Find out what it means to be a shopper. You will likely surprise yourself what can be worn and hopefully find some surprises. Also consider sole inserts, pads and other wonders that were invented for women to ease the problem of wearing shoes that make you love the way you look and hate the way you feel.
While these suggestions are not the final word on sexy high heels, they do attempt to make it easier and more comfortable to wear the shoes you like without risking your health.