Save Your Marriage And Maintain The Loving Relationship
Commitment is made in a marriage and the couple promise to take care of each other through the good times and the bad times. However, later on some people find out that everything is not working fine and they wonder how save marriage. All the couples who have been together for several years in a relationship of love and compassion are sure to confirm one simple fact - that love means trying and accepting the best, and being careful about the things that may seem faulty in the partner. In times of heated and tense moments it is a good idea to provide some quiet time and allow a little space to each other.
For a successful, loving marriage it is necessary to ensure a number of things. The first is to be kind to each other and love the partner as much as possible. One should suppose that the partner will not be there from the next moment, forever going away from the life. It is as if the most loved person's beautiful eyes and smile will never be there again. Some time in future when the comfortable fact about the partner's presence would cease to be there.
Both should be receptive to each other's viewpoints. Every individual has personal feelings and thoughts that may not be compatible with the views of others. There is no need to run down the partner which will only make it clear that there is no importance of having them as the companion. It is quite healthy and fun to have a constructive debate and respect each other's views on different subjects.
Whether it is a man or a woman, it is necessary to stop for a moment and listen to the partner. One should be attentive to each other's suggestions and opinions. It requires some time to learn it. Nobody is an expert and even experts keep learning. It is time to stop thinking about the rest of the world for a few moments and face the loved one. Looking into their beautiful eyes, one can consider the words spoken by them and realize several positive things that were always present there but never noticed before. When talking, one should hold the response a little longer than usual. It is easy to retort immediately if the partner's views are considered incorrect. It is better to respond only after taking some moment to consider what has been said. This will help in understanding the partner better.
When one puts the best foot forward with the right intention for the partner, there will still be some surprise in store. While it is not possible to come up with great ideas every day, all the little bits add up and the partner will sooner or later realize all the effort being put forward to make the relationship work.
There is no final answer to questions like how save marriage. Every couple is unique and must find the right answer depending on the particular situation they are facing. Couple should also keep in mind that they are threesome now, where the third one is a combination of both of them and needs all the love and attention.
For a successful, loving marriage it is necessary to ensure a number of things. The first is to be kind to each other and love the partner as much as possible. One should suppose that the partner will not be there from the next moment, forever going away from the life. It is as if the most loved person's beautiful eyes and smile will never be there again. Some time in future when the comfortable fact about the partner's presence would cease to be there.
Both should be receptive to each other's viewpoints. Every individual has personal feelings and thoughts that may not be compatible with the views of others. There is no need to run down the partner which will only make it clear that there is no importance of having them as the companion. It is quite healthy and fun to have a constructive debate and respect each other's views on different subjects.
Whether it is a man or a woman, it is necessary to stop for a moment and listen to the partner. One should be attentive to each other's suggestions and opinions. It requires some time to learn it. Nobody is an expert and even experts keep learning. It is time to stop thinking about the rest of the world for a few moments and face the loved one. Looking into their beautiful eyes, one can consider the words spoken by them and realize several positive things that were always present there but never noticed before. When talking, one should hold the response a little longer than usual. It is easy to retort immediately if the partner's views are considered incorrect. It is better to respond only after taking some moment to consider what has been said. This will help in understanding the partner better.
When one puts the best foot forward with the right intention for the partner, there will still be some surprise in store. While it is not possible to come up with great ideas every day, all the little bits add up and the partner will sooner or later realize all the effort being put forward to make the relationship work.
There is no final answer to questions like how save marriage. Every couple is unique and must find the right answer depending on the particular situation they are facing. Couple should also keep in mind that they are threesome now, where the third one is a combination of both of them and needs all the love and attention.