How to Hook a Mutton Snapper
- 1). Slide a 1 to 3 ounce egg weight onto the end of the main fishing line. Attach a barrel swivel to the main line with a Uni knot. Moisten the Uni knot and pull it down tight.
- 2). Tie a 4 foot length of 30 to 40 pound test fluorocarbon line to the opposite end of the barrel swivel using a Uni knot. Attach a size 4/0 circle hook to the end of the fluorocarbon leader with a Palomar knot. Moisten the Palomar knot before pulling it tight and trim excess line extending from the knot with scissors.
- 3). Place a live cigar minnow or ballyhoo on the circle hook. Position the hook up through the lower jaw and out above the nose or through the body just in front of the tail. Choose the method of hooking based on personal preference.
- 4). Cast the rig into the water where mutton snapper are feeding. Allow the rig to settle to the bottom and then reel in line to raise the bait so it is suspended several feet from the bottom.
- 5). Maintain a tight line so a strike can be more easily detected. Allow the mutton snapper to take the bait and turn before setting the hook.
- 6). Raise the rod tip and reel down on the line to set the hook. Allow the mutton snapper to take line as needed during longer runs; however, maintain a tight line of pressure so the snapper does not throw the hook. Continue playing the fish until it is worked in close enough to be landed.