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To Whom Were the Spiritual Gifts Given?

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Did certain men in the church have the ability to work miracles to the exclusion of others? It appears that many believe this to be the pattern of the New Testament doctrine on the distribution of spiritual gifts.

According to this view, many have submitted themselves to the power of "miracle healers" and oftentimes for the exchange of lucrative sums of money. These claimed powers are sometimes used in an abusive manner to extract cash from unsuspecting members.

While many claim to have the "Holy Ghost," their measure of the spirit is greatly reduced in that they cannot work any miracles. However, that message is foreign to the New Testament. Many believers work them.

For example, in Mark 16:17-19, Christ told the apostles that specific miraculous signs would follow those who believed their words. These signs were not directed to the apostles, who received their power on Pentecost of Acts 2, but were clearly said to be for the believers who accepted their testimony of the gospel of Christ.

What Signs Were They Given?

Of the signs enumerated were the ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, take up deadly snakes, and drink poison to no harm. In other words, believers would be able to do these things themselves rather than depend upon charismatic personalities with microphones and sweaty handkerchiefs to do it for them.

An example of one on whom the apostles laid hands and imparted gifts to was Philip. This was not the apostle Philip. He was one of the seven who was appointed by the apostles to handle the daily ministration to the poor widows in Acts 6:5-6.

This is the same Philip, the evangelist who went down to Samaria and preached Christ. Following his evangelistic meeting, Philip both taught the Samaritans and they saw the miracles which he did, namely, unclean spirits came out of those possessed, and many who were paralyzed were healed.

Following their baptism Peter and John, apostles who were in Jerusalem, came down to the city of Samaria to lay hands on these new converts to the faith that they too might receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:17-18).

In other words, Philip did not remain there to be a miracle-working faith-healing preacher for the church. Rather, each of them received the spirit. Philip also had four virgin daughters who likewise received and exercised miraculous gifts.

Gifts Distributed to All by the Spirit for the Profit of All

In other passages, we learn that these miraculous powers were imparted not to the ministers only, but to most or all members of the congregation. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, shows the distribution of the gifts were to the church at large. Verses 28-30, show their variety.

How then is it taught and practiced today that some men possess powers over and above members of the church who in the first century church possessed all the gifts necessary to bring them to perfection?

Something has gone awry. Merchandising of the gifts, expressly forbidden as in the case of Simon the sorcerer is one of the abuses practiced among faith healers. People come to them expecting to receive something often for money, when the purpose of the gifts was for spiritual growth and perfection.

The Cessation of Spiritual Gifts

Today, as promised by Christ and his apostles, those miraculous gifts have ceased. They have been inoperable since the close of the apostolic office in AD 70, 1 Corinthians 1:7-8; 13:8-10. marking Christ's return. However, the failure to understand that event, peperpetuates the problem.

None, whether preachers or pew members can receive, practice or impart those gifts today. It should never come to handling rattlesnakes, drinking arsenic laced kool-aid or any such demonstration, but such claims and practices ought to be exposed for what they are, fake and misguided.

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