How to Race With E85 Ethanol
- 1). Check the regulations of the racing circuit or league to see if E85 is allowed. Some only allow a single fuel type to be used, to make sure no individual receives unfair advantages.
- 2). Check your vehicle to make sure it is E85 supported. "FlexFuel" is stated on many vehicles in the United States, which means it can use E85 or standard fuel. This information is also printed in its owner's manual.
- 3). Determine if it is even a good idea to use Ethanol. Although Ethanol is less expensive than standard gasoline, it takes more to burn to power your vehicle, which means you get less miles to a gallon. It also does not burn as hot, which may reduce your pick-up speed, which is not good while racing.
- 4). Start the race. Your E85 Ethanol powered car is going to steer and function, for the most part, exactly the same as a standard gasoline powered car, outside of possibly not accelerating as quickly.