What is Gaja Kesari?
- The term "yoga" refers to a certain positioning of the planets and other heavenly bodies that is believed to bring about specific results, such as personality traits or levels of societal power. The position of heavenly bodies is determined by charts that also map the position of zodiacal constellations, which are each separated into sections called houses. Where these heavenly bodies are situated on the charts at the time of a person's birth is what determines their yoga.
- Gaja Kesari is a yoga that is formed when Earth's moon and Jupiter appear to be joined together, squarely positioned or situated opposite of each other in the night sky. These positions must occur in a specific set of houses called "Kendras." Other planets that are touted by Vedic astrologers as having auspicious powers can also be involved with the creation of a Gaja Kesari yoga and make the yoga more powerful. If Jupiter is in an unfavorable position or affected by a less auspicious planet when a Gaja Kesari yoga is formed, it can negatively impact the yoga's strength.
- The name Gaja Kesari holds significant and symbolic astrological meaning. "Gaja" refers to elephants, while "Kesari" refers to lions. People born under this yoga are believed to have the solemn demeanor of an elephant as well as a lion's vigorous nature. The two main heavenly bodies that form this yoga are also significant. Jupiter is associated with fame, luck, knowledge and wealth, while the moon is associated with prosperity, happiness and mobility. These positive attributes are expected to be reflected in the lives of people born under Gaja Kesari.
- Practitioners of Vedic astrology believe certain personality traits are strongly shown in people born under Gaja Kesari. The position of the involved heavenly bodies on Vedic celestial charts during a person's birth may further determine his or her character attributes. In general, a person born under Gaja Kesari may be attractive, healthy, knowledgeable, highly skilled, happy at home, and in a respectable standing among family members and in society. These traits can be more specific depending on the heavenly bodies' position in the sky.
Yogas in Vedic Astrology
Positioning of Heavenly Bodies
The Significance of Gaja Kesari
Personality Attributes