How healthy is green Tea?
Qi Li, a renowned health care professional, never ceases to talk on the importance of a balanced diet. What is drank during meals is paid as much emphasis as what is eaten. For the latter, special products have been shown to be extremely beneficial to humans. Today, many people are ignorant of the underlying importance of what they drink. Qi Li identifies six key health liquids. These are listed to be green tea, red wine, milk, yogurt, bone soup and mushroom soup.
There is no denying the health benefits of these products. The immune system can be improved by taking mushroom soup. Mushroom soup is also prescribed for the treatment of the common cold or flu. Yogurts are used for the protection and prevention of bacterial attacks. And bone soup is encouraged for the continued preservation of good health.
However, green tea is identified by many researchers as being the most beneficial. One of these is the presence of tea polyphenols. These polyphenols have been found to be particularly effective against preventing or containing the effects of cancer. People who regularly drank four cups of green tea, where found to experience a reduced risk of developing cancer. And when used by people already suffering from cancer, the negative effects of cancer are found to be reduced. It is therefore no wonder that Japanese students are made to drink at least a cup of green tea everyday.
Green tea is enriched with fluoride. Fluorides are important because they are required for strong and healthy teeth. This is one of the major reasons behind teeth problems before the age of 30. With green tea in your diet, you will be able to address this need.
Finally, the effect of drinking green tea has been shown to help improve the toughness of the blood vessels. This ensures that they remain more resilient to possible cell rupture. This is one of the major causes of cerebral vascular accidents-a potentially fatal occurrence.
With so many things going for green tea, it is not surprising that many people drink it.
There is no denying the health benefits of these products. The immune system can be improved by taking mushroom soup. Mushroom soup is also prescribed for the treatment of the common cold or flu. Yogurts are used for the protection and prevention of bacterial attacks. And bone soup is encouraged for the continued preservation of good health.
However, green tea is identified by many researchers as being the most beneficial. One of these is the presence of tea polyphenols. These polyphenols have been found to be particularly effective against preventing or containing the effects of cancer. People who regularly drank four cups of green tea, where found to experience a reduced risk of developing cancer. And when used by people already suffering from cancer, the negative effects of cancer are found to be reduced. It is therefore no wonder that Japanese students are made to drink at least a cup of green tea everyday.
Green tea is enriched with fluoride. Fluorides are important because they are required for strong and healthy teeth. This is one of the major reasons behind teeth problems before the age of 30. With green tea in your diet, you will be able to address this need.
Finally, the effect of drinking green tea has been shown to help improve the toughness of the blood vessels. This ensures that they remain more resilient to possible cell rupture. This is one of the major causes of cerebral vascular accidents-a potentially fatal occurrence.
With so many things going for green tea, it is not surprising that many people drink it.