How to Prevent From Teeth Oriented Disease Like Gum, Osseo, Periodontal
First I wound you like to tell how the teeth oriented disease will be occur. The first major reason is un-proper brushing and after going bed without brushing. Because human had healthy food and non-healthy food. So without proper brushing you have to face so many problems according to your inside mouth part like teeth, tough etc. So I will tell about how the disease will be affected easily and on that time how to prevent to the disease through this article.
I'm-proper brushing
Now a day the world going fast so we also do all the work as fast. I am telling about normal brushing time period is nearly 2 minutes. But people complete our brush with in 30 second.
All of had healthy food and non-healthy food in cause if we had non veg they have to struck in our teeth. So they have a chance to infect or destroy our teeth before going bed we must brush our teeth. And bed breath is also one of the reasons to affect the teeth.
According to the dental studies nearly 85% of people have a dental problems like gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth and bacteria on the tongue are these problem are comes from bed breath. So before going bed does a proper brush it will be secure to that problem.
Tobacco products
In 21st century 85% of people affect by tooth problems. On that 50% of people nearly affected, by using tobacco products. It's really dangerous to teeth and health and also our mouth part. The tissue are more sensitive so we use tobacco products like cigarette, chine, pan masala etc. it will be affected our teeth 100%. First it will form extra layer on the teeth.
And then next change the teeth colour and then destroyed our teeth, teeth root part and finally affect teeth tissue etc. final stage that person can't able to eat the foot. So avoid tobacco and prevent your teeth.
Mouth sores
The Tabaco is affected not only teeth part it will affected Uvula, Hard palate, Gums, Soft palate, Tonsil, Tongue, Lower lip, and Upper lips. It will be destroyed slowly in during the final stages then skin will be like an A4 sheet paper.
Behind to that they have another mouth sore that is pesky and bothersome it will cure automatically in more are less two to three weeks don't worry about it will be cure. Common mouth sores are canker sores, fever blisters, cold sores, ulcer and thrush these are affected by heating ice-cream, cold juice and hate drinks it will be affected it's not a matter but first part is so dangerous so please keep without affected sore in your mouth.
Teeth sensitivity
Teeth sensitivity is nothing but it's not a serious part. We had any cold thinks like cool water, cool drinks, and ice-cream. It affected lightly our teeth our teeth have some sensitivity power so it will be affected it and it will automatically solved with in couple of weeks.
Gum disease
That kind of problem comes from gum disease and then the periodontal disease, is similar like as gum disease, is connected to heart attack and stocks, gum disease infected the teeth so gums are surrounding. So they have a chance to affect.
They have two major parts in gum disease that is gingivitis and periodontitis; we have a chance to prevent this problem how means get regular check-up and also brushing our teeth twice a day these are the way to prevent our teeth.
How to overcome this problem
People are not preventing our teeth before affect. So we introduced one product that is Abp-dermal. Abp means advanced bio product it's totally based on dental problems. We have some few products that are Osseograft, Osseomold, Healiguide, Periodontal plus AB, Hemocoll.
According to that product the healiguide is only like sheet content product if the person losses the tissue in upper part of the teeth with because of pan masala etc. if that sheet is placed on that area means it will be create a tissue on that part. Remaining four has power like content.
I will tell you one by one Osseograft, Ossomold, Periodontal plus AB, Hemocoll those things are bond void filling product the Osseograft Osseo means bone graft means built if the person have gap in during the two teeth. We used Osseograft it like a power content it will mixed with salt like water and placed it in to that placed the gap will be closed.
The Osseomold mold is fill the gap and regenerating bone in to the gap area. Hemocoll is used to reduce the blood clout and unwanted blood flow in during the teeth part that time the Hemocoll powder will be past in during injured part means it will generated a new tissue. In that area Periodontal plus AB is in tissue loss part it will be generate the tissue.
Now days so many peoples are affected in dental problems so use my product to safe your teeth and it will solved your all needs 100% thank you€¦..
First I wound you like to tell how the teeth oriented disease will be occur. The first major reason is un-proper brushing and after going bed without brushing. Because human had healthy food and non-healthy food. So without proper brushing you have to face so many problems according to your inside mouth part like teeth, tough etc. So I will tell about how the disease will be affected easily and on that time how to prevent to the disease through this article.
I'm-proper brushing
Now a day the world going fast so we also do all the work as fast. I am telling about normal brushing time period is nearly 2 minutes. But people complete our brush with in 30 second.
All of had healthy food and non-healthy food in cause if we had non veg they have to struck in our teeth. So they have a chance to infect or destroy our teeth before going bed we must brush our teeth. And bed breath is also one of the reasons to affect the teeth.
According to the dental studies nearly 85% of people have a dental problems like gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth and bacteria on the tongue are these problem are comes from bed breath. So before going bed does a proper brush it will be secure to that problem.
Tobacco products
In 21st century 85% of people affect by tooth problems. On that 50% of people nearly affected, by using tobacco products. It's really dangerous to teeth and health and also our mouth part. The tissue are more sensitive so we use tobacco products like cigarette, chine, pan masala etc. it will be affected our teeth 100%. First it will form extra layer on the teeth.
And then next change the teeth colour and then destroyed our teeth, teeth root part and finally affect teeth tissue etc. final stage that person can't able to eat the foot. So avoid tobacco and prevent your teeth.
Mouth sores
The Tabaco is affected not only teeth part it will affected Uvula, Hard palate, Gums, Soft palate, Tonsil, Tongue, Lower lip, and Upper lips. It will be destroyed slowly in during the final stages then skin will be like an A4 sheet paper.
Behind to that they have another mouth sore that is pesky and bothersome it will cure automatically in more are less two to three weeks don't worry about it will be cure. Common mouth sores are canker sores, fever blisters, cold sores, ulcer and thrush these are affected by heating ice-cream, cold juice and hate drinks it will be affected it's not a matter but first part is so dangerous so please keep without affected sore in your mouth.
Teeth sensitivity
Teeth sensitivity is nothing but it's not a serious part. We had any cold thinks like cool water, cool drinks, and ice-cream. It affected lightly our teeth our teeth have some sensitivity power so it will be affected it and it will automatically solved with in couple of weeks.
Gum disease
That kind of problem comes from gum disease and then the periodontal disease, is similar like as gum disease, is connected to heart attack and stocks, gum disease infected the teeth so gums are surrounding. So they have a chance to affect.
They have two major parts in gum disease that is gingivitis and periodontitis; we have a chance to prevent this problem how means get regular check-up and also brushing our teeth twice a day these are the way to prevent our teeth.
How to overcome this problem
People are not preventing our teeth before affect. So we introduced one product that is Abp-dermal. Abp means advanced bio product it's totally based on dental problems. We have some few products that are Osseograft, Osseomold, Healiguide, Periodontal plus AB, Hemocoll.
According to that product the healiguide is only like sheet content product if the person losses the tissue in upper part of the teeth with because of pan masala etc. if that sheet is placed on that area means it will be create a tissue on that part. Remaining four has power like content.
I will tell you one by one Osseograft, Ossomold, Periodontal plus AB, Hemocoll those things are bond void filling product the Osseograft Osseo means bone graft means built if the person have gap in during the two teeth. We used Osseograft it like a power content it will mixed with salt like water and placed it in to that placed the gap will be closed.
The Osseomold mold is fill the gap and regenerating bone in to the gap area. Hemocoll is used to reduce the blood clout and unwanted blood flow in during the teeth part that time the Hemocoll powder will be past in during injured part means it will generated a new tissue. In that area Periodontal plus AB is in tissue loss part it will be generate the tissue.
Now days so many peoples are affected in dental problems so use my product to safe your teeth and it will solved your all needs 100% thank you€¦..