How to Use a Trotline for Catfish
- 1). Attach one end of the trotline to the trunk of a tree, a stump or other non-movable object near the water's edge. Tie the trotline low on the trunk, near the water level.
- 2). Place the line just before dusk. Catfish feed most heavily during the night and in the early morning hours.
- 3). Row a boat to the opposing bank of the stream, playing out the trotline. Keep tension on the line to avoid tangling the hooks. Once you have dropped the last hook into the water, attach a brick or anchor to the end of the rope. Drop it into the water to establish the end of the line.
- 4). Move back along the trotline and bait each hook. Popular baits are small perch or bluegill, chicken livers, shad or night crawlers.
- 5). Check the line periodically to remove catfish and re-bait the hooks. Allow at least four or five hours between checks. Check the line just after sunrise if you left it out overnight. Mark the line with buoys; this alerts other anglers of its presence.