Pregnancy Gift Ideas
- Many moms wish they had kept a better record of all the exciting moments of their pregnancy and first days with their new baby, making a pregnancy or baby scrapbook an ideal gift for pregnant women. A simple photo album and scrapbook combination will suffice, though more elaborate baby albums with sections specifically related to the pregnancy are also widely available at gift shops. For an extra thoughtful touch, give the expectant parents a homemade scrapbook with pages made by you devoted to pregnancy highlights including how and when the parents found out they were expecting, when they discovered the sex of the baby, and their feelings about becoming parents that they can fill out and add photos to on their own.
- One of the most useful pregnancy gift ideas, especially for first-time parents, are week-by-week or monthly pregnancy guides and books on infant care and parenting. Every expectant mom needs a copy of the classic favorite "What to Expect When You're Expecting," and she'd love to be spared the expense and effort of buying a copy on her own. Pregnancy guides are excellent resources for expectant parents, with week-by-week explanations of their baby's growth and development, the changes of the pregnant body, and answers to virtually every possible question about pregnancy. Infant care guides and parenting books are also thoughtful pregnancy gift ideas since new parents will need all the help they can get figuring out how to care for their new arrival.
- Expectant parents, and especially pregnant moms, would love the gift of a one-time or recurring maid service to help keep their home clean as they deal with the challenges and fatigue of growing a new person. Many pregnant women feel considerable stress trying to keep up with their jobs and normal household duties, like cleaning, during their pregnancy, especially towards the end of their pregnancy or if they have morning sickness or other pregnancy difficulties. The gift of a maid service would be greatly appreciated by expectant parents and allow them to take a breather from their regular workload to focus on their pregnancy and getting the appropriate amount of rest.
- This pregnancy gift idea is especially for the pregnant mom-to-be to help her deal with the inherent discomfort of pregnancy. Pregnancy massages can go a long way in relieving some of the aches and pains of pregnancy and helping to make a mom-to-be feel pampered during a joyous, yet difficult, time in her life. Expectant moms will appreciate the gift of a massage even more when they start to realize how little pampering they'll be able to indulge in once the baby arrives. Many spas offer massage packages especially for moms-to-be, and any mom would love to be the recipient of a gift certificate for one.
Pregnancy/Baby Scrapbook
Pregnancy and Parenting Books
Maid Service
Massage Gift Certificates