How Do I Establish a Primary Residence?
- 1). Claim the homestead exemption. If a home is owned, a homestead exemption can be filed for the primary residence. Designate the homesteaded property with the county the home is located in.
- 2). File tax returns using the address of the primary residence.
- 3). Change the address on official identification. Record the primary address with the Social Security Administration. File for a state ID or change the mailing address on driver's licenses and passports.
- 4). Register to vote in the precinct the residence is located in. If voter registration is not desired, a Declaration of Domicile may be applied for.
- 5). Receive bills and correspondence at the primary address. While receiving mail at other addresses does not negate residency, when bills are addressed to the primary address, it further establishes that address as a primary residence.