How do I Plant Pea Seeds in the Fall?
- 1). Soak the pea seeds in a jar or glass of water for eight hours. Remove and discard any that float to the top.
- 2). Remove all debris, such as leaves and rocks, from the planting bed.
- 3). Add a low-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 2-3-6, five weeks before planting. Use the amount specified on the label and mix it to a depth of 4 inches.
- 4). Use a garden fork to loosen the top inch of soil.
- 5). Rake the bed until it is smooth and level.
- 6). Place your stakes or trellis for the peas to climb.
- 7). Create a 1-inch deep trench, directly in front of the trellis, and place the seeds in it, 1 inch apart.
- 8). Water the planting bed only if the soil is dry. If there is any moisture in the soil, wait a day or two before watering, especially if your soil is on the cool side. Cool, wet soil is more likely to rot the seeds.
- 9). Protect pea plants from an unexpected early freeze by covering them in the evening with old towels or linens.