Games to Improve Teamwork
- This teamwork game is considered to be a classic among team skill experts. The team is asked to line up in a straight line and balance a long stick on their index fingers. The goal is to lower the stick from a standing position down to the ground without dropping the stick. What tends to happen is that the stick ends up at a higher level than it was originally until the team can effectively communicate with each other. This addresses leadership issues in the team as members are forced to actively listen to individuals who try to lead the team to its goal.
- This is a game that can be used for relatively new teams as a self-introduction tool. Each person in the team is asked to simply introduce herself and attach an adjective that describes a dominant characteristic and must start with the first letter of his or her name. An example of this would be "Serious Susan" where Susan would be subsequently asked why she considers herself to be serious. This identifies collaborators early and highlights potential issues in a casual setting.
- This is an active game where obstacles are set up in a playing field. The game requires groups of two people, one of whom is blindfolded and the other as a speaker. The speaker's goal is to guide his teammate across the field while giving verbal directions about going around the obstacles. The process is then repeated as roles are switched. This game reinforces effective communication techniques such as clarity and active listening as groups rely on verbal directions alone.
- This game requires team members to write two truths and a lie on a piece of paper. These statements usually relate to either an individual or the team's function. An arbiter takes these statements and randomly reads all three statements. The team as a whole is asked to determine who they think wrote the statements as well as which is the lie. This not only increases the team's collective knowledge about its members but also generates an increased level of trust between the members.
Helium Stick
Self-Disclosure Introductions
Truths and a Lie