Top 3 Most Popular Saltwater Fish
There is easily well over a hundred thousand different types of saltwater fish in sea.
Today I am going to simply focus on some of the smaller and more popular ones that live around coral reefs.
Coral reefs are host to many creatures and organisms.
People tend like to recreate these habitats in their homes in aquariums so that they may view them year around.
Selecting fish for your saltwater fish tank should be done wisely.
Adding the wrong type of fish to a tank could end badly for everyone else living in the aquarium.
Some fish are more aggressive and may tend to go after other fish.
Others may be territorial and will need to be added to your marine tank after it has already been established.
Please note that the following list is in no particular order.
Top 3 Saltwater Fish found in Saltwater Fish Aquariums
Before starting your marine tank, please make sure you are prepared for the commitment.
Their lives are totally in your control.
Today I am going to simply focus on some of the smaller and more popular ones that live around coral reefs.
Coral reefs are host to many creatures and organisms.
People tend like to recreate these habitats in their homes in aquariums so that they may view them year around.
Selecting fish for your saltwater fish tank should be done wisely.
Adding the wrong type of fish to a tank could end badly for everyone else living in the aquarium.
Some fish are more aggressive and may tend to go after other fish.
Others may be territorial and will need to be added to your marine tank after it has already been established.
Please note that the following list is in no particular order.
Top 3 Saltwater Fish found in Saltwater Fish Aquariums
- Clownfish - More particularly the Ocellarish Clownfish (Nemo).
Clown fish are a great addition to just about every tank.
These fish stay fairly small.
Adults will typically reach a size of only about three inches.
These are one of saltwater fish varieties that will do okay in a smaller size tank (20+ gallons).
Clown fish are known for living in sea anemones.
If you plan on adding a sea anemone to your tank make sure that if you plan on adding any other fish that will not be affected.
Clown fish tend are more territorial when place in an aquarium with an anemone, but overall these guys are calm and peaceful.
This accompanied by the color and looks makes it easy to see why clown fish are one of the most if not the most popular fish. - Angelfish - When it comes to saltwater angelfish they are broken into two different categories, dwarf angelfish and large angelfish.
As the name implies the dwarfs stay much smaller and do not as large of a fish tank.
Large angelfish on the other hand will require a lot more space and typically are reserved for a tank that is 100+ gallons.
What makes these species so popular is that very colorful and unique.
Most types of angelfish will change their looks from juvenile to adult.
They change so much that they will look like an entire different fish. - Tangs - These fish come in a variety of colors, but the most popular is the blue tang (Dory, from Finding Nemo).
I would say the second most popular is the yellow tang.
The blue tang prefers an aquarium that is equipped with live rock.
Adults with grow to about twelve inches long so if you plan on adding a tang you should have a tank of at least 50 gallons.
These fish typically get along with must all other fish.
But it is not a good idea to keep more than one per tank.
Before starting your marine tank, please make sure you are prepared for the commitment.
Their lives are totally in your control.