Validation - Find it Within
Most people look for recognition from others, family, friends, colleagues, boss, community and even strangers.
While it is wonderful to receive praise from those who care about you or those in authority, it is highly sporadic and less rewarding to receive praise from those you interact with even on a frequent basis.
It is less rewarding because the most important spiritual awakening in your life is learning how to be who you truly are without expecting approval from others.
When you receive acknowledgement, you can express your gratitude and then make a mental note to remember to acknowledge yourself more often and that your feelings of worth come from within.
Then, let go of the acknowledgement by imagining it floating into the ethers.
Letting go of others' acknowledgement leaves room for your acknowledgement of yourself to take center stage.
Seeking validation from within allows you to see that everything you do has value no matter what anyone else thinks.
Acknowledgement from others merely gives you the sense that you have worth.
When you rely on others' acknowledgement, you are dependent on seeing yourself through their eyes and not your own.
It is when you understand that your social status in the world is an illusion that you see that your status is not based on who you truly are, but simply on another person's perception of who you are.
In reality, your significance lies inside you.
By being grateful for the praise you receive and letting it go, you will find the freedom to live your life without needing validation from others.
While it is wonderful to receive praise from those who care about you or those in authority, it is highly sporadic and less rewarding to receive praise from those you interact with even on a frequent basis.
It is less rewarding because the most important spiritual awakening in your life is learning how to be who you truly are without expecting approval from others.
When you receive acknowledgement, you can express your gratitude and then make a mental note to remember to acknowledge yourself more often and that your feelings of worth come from within.
Then, let go of the acknowledgement by imagining it floating into the ethers.
Letting go of others' acknowledgement leaves room for your acknowledgement of yourself to take center stage.
Seeking validation from within allows you to see that everything you do has value no matter what anyone else thinks.
Acknowledgement from others merely gives you the sense that you have worth.
When you rely on others' acknowledgement, you are dependent on seeing yourself through their eyes and not your own.
It is when you understand that your social status in the world is an illusion that you see that your status is not based on who you truly are, but simply on another person's perception of who you are.
In reality, your significance lies inside you.
By being grateful for the praise you receive and letting it go, you will find the freedom to live your life without needing validation from others.