Around the World Art Projects for Preschool
- Create Chinese paper lanterns with preschoolers. Give each child a piece of sturdy white or light colored paper. Have them draw a design with markers or crayons all over one side of the paper. Unless children are very advanced, they need help cutting the slits that create the lantern. Fold the paper in half the long way. Cut slits through the fold, 1 inch apart, down the length of the paper. Stop the cut about ½-inch from the other edge. Unfold the paper, then form it into a cylinder. Secure with tape and punch two holes in the top edges. Allow children to lace yarn through the holes to create a handle.
- Collect large, clean discarded coffee cans with lids attached to create African drums. Secure the lid with tape so children do not remove the lids and cut themselves. Give each child a piece of sturdy paper large enough to wrap around the can and secure. Give them African animal stamps, feathers and stickers to decorate the paper. Wrap the paper around the can and secure. Children play the drum with craft sticks.
- Create replicas of Mexican Zapotec rugs from large bulletin-board paper. Provide each group of children a piece of paper large enough to cover most of the table. Practice making long, stripe motions with clean, dry brushes. Show children pictures of Zapotec rug designs. After practicing the type of motion needed to make the stripes, provide each table a selection of paint with which to paint the striped designs. Cut fringe on the short ends of the paper to enhance the rug-like look.
- Make paper-plate maracas with preschoolers using paper plates, paint, stickers, a hole punch, yarn, a large craft stick and beans. Have children paint two plates in bright colors, then add sticker designs when paint dries. Punch holes around the edges of the plates while holding the two plates together so that holes align. Place beans on one plate, then put hot glue around the edge of that plate. Lay the craft stick in the hot glue and lay the second plate on top of the first to seal the edges, trapping the beans and securing the craft stick. Allow children to lace yarn or ribbon through the holes as an added decoration.